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Released: Auto-Installer.Deluxe.v1.01

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 1 Gennaio 2005.

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  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:

    >> A new version of the Auto-Installer Deluxe has been released.

    What's new/fixed:

    UPDATE TOOL 1.01:

    * Added xCbr 0.1.1.
    * Added DaphneX 0.96.
    * Added SarienX 1.0 beta.
    * Added FBAxxx 2004-12-26.
    * Updated DummyCD to Recreate for the new v1.01, can support v1.0 still if you rename the ISO to aid101.iso.
    * Updated UnleashX to 0.37.1218 Build 543, for both the installer and dashboard.
    * Updated Avalaunch to 0.49.3 build 137.
    * Updated dvd2xbox to 0.6.2.
    * Updated Nkpatcher to version 10 in the UXE Softmod Exploits.
    * Fixed all the bugs described in this post: http://xbox-hq.com/html/postt3499.html

    DHCP UPDATE 1.01:

    * Added DHCP versions, which allow the Xbox to be automatically assigned an IP Address.
    * Only needed for the English version, as the language packs already have this included. This is also kept seperate for the people that already have already downloaded the pre-compiled v1.01 ISO image, and just need the DHCP update.

    DUMMYCD 1.2:

    * Program now fixes the v1.01 ISOs, but no longer supports v1.0.

    RECREATE 1.1:

    * Same as DummyCD, supports the new v1.01 ISOs but not v1.0.

    FONT PATCH 1.0:

    * Changed font in the AI Menu so that the different languages would fit, the old font was too big to display the full options properly. This is an optional install for english users that still like the original font.
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