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Qwix 1.0

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 16 Ottobre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Features Qwix 1.0:

    Qwix 1.0 is a new Xbox and ISO management tool for the Windows platform. It will be evolving rapidly, but the first version offers the following features. Many more features planned for upcoming releases.

    Connection manager makes it easy to keep settings specific to different Xboxes or dashboards.

    -FTP browser (more FTP features will be added later)
    -ISO features:
    ---Create double-optimized ISO files
    ------Direct from FTP
    ------From PC folder
    ------Convert existing ISO to new optimized format
    ------Optional automatic cross-linking of files
    ---Extract files to PC drive
    ---Direct-to-FTP upload to Xbox
    ---True Average for transfer speed
    ---Browse ISO contents
    ---Smart ISO loading routines compatibile with almost every Xbox ISO(info)
    ---Detects invalid filenames for FATX, allowing rename or skip per file
    ---Batch transfer ISOs to the Xbox
    ---Automatic media patching

    -Avalaunch-specific features:
    ---Supports the new Boost transfer mode in Avalaunch 0.47.5 and up
    ---Auto-detects Avalaunch boxes for easy connectivity
    ---Powerful game management features (as shown in the screenshot)
    ------Rename XBE
    ------Calculate MD5 values on all files
    ------Shows picture from XBE file
    ------Create ISO directly from selected game

    Q: What is Boost Mode?
    A: Boost Mode is an improved FTP protocol that is currently only supported with Avalaunch. It can make transfers push the limits of your 100Mb connection, and is especially helpful with transfers that contain a lot of small files.