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New LIVE 2.0 Dashboard out!

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 11 Settembre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    New LIVE 2.0 Dashboard out!

    >> Seems like the new LIVE dashboard has been released today. One day earlier then expected.
    Your dashboard will AUTOMATICLY update to LIVE 2.0 first time you connect to Xbox LIVE. Xbox LIVE is very busy atm, so if you get "Xbox Live not Responding, Please try again later" ... try again later ;)

    Information we got so far from forums.xbox-scene.com (don't take any of this as confirmed yet):
    - It will auto sign-in on LIVE when when you turn up your Xbox - so make sure to DISABLE your modchip when you boot to your MS Dashboard (means you must use a hacked bios that boots to another file then xboxdash.xbe - so your original bios (modchip disabled) will boot xboxdash.xbe (MS Dash) and your hacked bios will boot for example evoxdash.xbe (ex. Evox Dash) - most xbox are probably already modified like this).
    Update: There's an option "Automatically sign-in last used Xbox Live account where possible?". If turned off your xbox will not boot directly to the LIVE dash and will boot to the 'normal' MS dash instead. (it's unclear at this moment if it will still connect you to xlive in background or not)
    - So far people with modchip disabled didn't get banned - so looks like MS doesn't scan HD yet. (it's possible banning takes 1-2 days ... so we'll have to wait some time before we can confirm anything)
    - Go on live with modchip enabled will get you banned (nothing new here, but keep in mind just accesssing the MS Dash will also log you in on LIVE - so DO NOT go to your MS Dash with modchip enabled)
    - From the first tests some people did it looks like the audio (st.db) and font (.xtf) exploits don't work on the new dash. This doesn't mean that MS really solved the issues ... it's possible that the exploits just need some editing to work under this new dash.
    - The 007/MA gamesave exploit itself will ofcourse still work - we can't confirm yet if you can still copy a hacked saved game to the Xbox HD with the new dash.
    - The new 'full' dash version is 5659 rev. 17e4cd00

    Note: when I'm talking about 'modchip enabled' I mean use a 'hacked bios', so same is true if you have a TSOP flashed with a hacked bios.

    Note2: I strongly suggest you take a backup of your HD before you upgrade ... so you can always return to the old setup if problems occur.

    Note3: I saw lots of people worry about the automatic update. If you do not connect to Xbox LIVE (choose the xlive tab in your dashboard or choose xlive menu in a game) your dashboard will NOT be updated. Then you can just continu to use the old dashboard.