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MS Dashboard Dvd Region Free Patch

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 29 Agosto 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    MS Dashboard Dvd Region Free Patch

    >> From sylver77 on forums.xbox-scene.com:

    As i was bored of DVDX V2 with no remote control support, i decided to search for a way to have a Region Free M$ Dashboard !
    Then i discovered DVDX V1 that is a XBOX Software that patch the Dashbord to turn it into a Region Free Player. Unfortunatly, this patch is only working with to first version of M$ Dashboard. So, using a desassembler, i merged the modifications to the latest version of the Dashboard (v4920).

    All you have to do is :
    - Get your xboxdash.xbe file on your PC
    - Run the patch and apply it to your xboxdash.xbe
    - Put the patched file back on your XBOX
    - Watch your favorite DVDs using your high tech remote controler (not the porn ones )

    I've tested it on both revisions of 4920 version (10027100 & 1012a700). You can try it on older versions, but there is no guarantee it will work (just let me know )!