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Gentoox Home v2.1 *updated*

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 25 Agosto 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Gentoox Home v2.1 *updated*

    >> ShALLaX released a new version of Gentoox Home(info).

    What's new:
    + Scrollwheel support (Mice)
    + Updated raincoat (Supports v1.2 Xbox TSOP)
    + mkfs.fatx (Formats fatx partitions)
    + Preconfigured sudo (Lets users launch applications as root)
    + Updated GLIBC and GCC
    + USE flags correctly set
    + EVERYTHING recompiled to take advantage of updated GLIB and GCC and the USE flags
    + Updated all software (as of 23/08/03)
    + Added ppp and pppoe support (ppp, pppconfig, rp-pppoe, rppppoek, pppoed) - You figure out how to work them!
    + Scite (Powerful text editor for programmers, located on the KDE menu)
    + Netscape-flash
    + Cromwell(info) integration
    + Stardust integration
    + Added reboot and shutdown to KDE menu (Under the system menu)
    + More X-pads supported without needing to recompile the kernel!
    + dos2unix and unix2dos text file convertors
    + Webmin - extremely useful webconfiguration tool. Simply go to http://xbox_ip:10000 to use this utility. It really makes configuring your box SO much easier! Webmin even has a builtin SSH client which you can use from any web browser! Login with your root user details. (Autoloads at bootup)
    + Set nano/pico to use the -w flag by default
    + Samba shares enabled (see below for details)
    + Xboxlocal directory removed - totally obsolete, it always has been but I've always left it there to be safe :D
    + Dynamic IP/hosts reconfiguration on each bootup
    + Hostname and Domainname tools (see below)

    Full readme: here[gentoox.shallax.com]
    Note1: Webmin defaulted to Telnet in Home2.1, if you want to change this to SSH, read here.
    Note2: SF mirrors are updated, so Gentoox Stardust(info) should be working fine.

    update: IMPORTANT! Please Read
    update2: Gentoox Home v2.1 will be rereleased with 2 webmin bugs fixed (see news above) - download will be unavailable till new version is up.