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FLASH-X v1.1

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 19 Agosto 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    FLASH-X v1.1

    >> Team Xecuter just released a new version of FLASH-X:

    With Flash-X you can now select which bank you wish to flash whether its 256k, 512k or 1MB. Gone are the days of a bad flash, now you simply program 256k or 512k at a time.
    Installers who like to hot swap and flash their X2's will be pleased to hear that the machine does not reboot once you have flashed - so you can simply flash / hotswap / flash / hotswap much faster than when the xbox rebooted each time you flashed.
    You can select bios's stored on C, D, E & F drives (sub dir \bios)
    Compatible with Xecuter2.x Lite, Xecuter2.x Lite + and Xecuter2.x PRO.
    Of course you can also run this from CDR / CDRW / DVDR without having a custom dash installed and still flash your bios with no problems - again great for installers in a hurry.

    What's new/fixed:
    - Not working on v1.1 v1.2 or v1.3 - Fixed
    - Added error message if mod is flash protected
    - Crashed when selecting bios on any drive other than C - fixed
    - Faster program / verify routines