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EvoX dashboard patcher for Drive G/partition7 support

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 8 Settembre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    EvoX dashboard patcher for Drive G/partition7 support

    >> XBox-Scene.com received this release from Paul Bartholomew (oz_paulb). After the work he done on adding LBA-48 (+137gb HDD) support to the xbox kernel (see this thread) ... he now released a patch for evo-x to add support for partition7 (drive G).
    As you might already know, with XBtool(info) you can now patch your bios/kernel with LBA-48 support. There are 2 (main) ways to partition your +137gb HDD: Give all available space to parition6 (drive F) or give all available space till 137gb to patition6 (drive F) and all the rest to partition7 (drive G). Downside of first option is that older hacked kernels without LBA-48 support will cause problems to access/write on partition6 (drive F).
    Downside of option2 is that homebrew software must add support for partition7. Avalaunch(info) already added support for partition7 and now thanks to this patch released by oz_paulb, EvolutionX(info) dashboard will also have support (yes, also format).

    From the readme:

    WARNING: This patch only works on EvoX dashboard v1.8.3752. If you attempt to apply this patch to a different EvoX dashboard version, it will most likely result in a crash and/or data loss!

    I'm releasing 'Drive G/partition7' support for EvoX as a 'patch', rather than releasing a new dashboard ".xbe" file. This is because I assume that the EvoX dashboard contains Microsoft-copyrighted code (from the XDK), and I don't want to get into trouble for distributing any MS code. I assume that everyone can find the current EvoX dashboard ".xbe" in 'the usual places'. Starting with that, and with the included patch code, you'll end up with a new EvoX .xbe file that supports Drive G/partition7.
    The EvoX dashboard .xbe is a ~680Kbyte file. This is actually just a 'loader/decompressor' program that decompresses the 'real' EvoX dashboard .xbe (stored inside the 680Kbyte EvoX dashboard .xbe). The 'real' EvoX dashboard is about 3.7Mbytes. When you are finished with the patching process, your EvoX dashboard will be 3.7Mbytes (instead of 680Kbytes), since I didn't bother trying to figure out how to re-compress the .xbe.

    Here's what my patches add to EvoX:
    1. Drive "G:" is created at startup (along with all the other drives). This means other commands in EvoX.ini (like AutoAddItem) can specify G: in the path string.
    2. Evox.ini "Format" command now supports "Format g:"
    3. FTP commands formatpath/formatdrive now support "partition7" (drive G:)
    4. When starting FTP, drive G is listed in the 'root' along with all the other drives
    5. Added variable "SpaceG" (just like "SpaceF", but for G:). This allows skins to display free space on drive G:.
    6. FTP 'hddinfo' command now supports G:

    NOTE: In some of the places where I added G: support, I rode on top of existing code for F:. This means that the Evox.ini "UseFDrive" should be set to "Yes" in order for drive G: to work.

    All instructions on how to patch evo-x are in the full readme (included in zip download).