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dvd2xbox 0.4.9

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 22 Ottobre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    dvd2xbox 0.4.9

    >> dvd2xbox is a file manager for the xbox.
    Whats New/Fixed:

    + fixed a bug where ISO files weren't copied in the main copy module (not disk browser) when they're in the root dir.
    + fixed a bug where not all encrypted DVDs are decrypted properly (still needs some tweaking to prevent css key generation for each vob separately. So dvd2xbox isn't crashed it's just generating the keys :).
    + implemented newest ISO9660 sources from XBMC (Thanks to XBMC development and team Avalaunch. Seems to be a little slower but much more reliable. The most of my ISO CDs are working now).
    + added cdio library for iso9660 and CDDA detection (Thanks to XBMC development).
    + incorporated the newest source for lba48 support from XBMC (guys, what would I do without you ?). Should fix some issues with larger f:\ drives ] 120GB.
    + added 'enableFdrive' do dvd2xbox.xml for boxes without f: drives.
    + renamed 'enablePart7' to 'enableGdrive' in dvd2xbox.xml.
    + fixed a bug where xbox games with a d:\video_ts folder are wrongly detected as video DVD.
    + fixed a bug where CDDA tracks with the same first 42 letters overwrites itself.
    + fixed a bug where dvd2xbox randomly crashes while counting the XBOX game size.