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dvd2xbox 0.4.6

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 2 Ottobre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    dvd2xbox 0.4.6
    >> WiSo released a new version of dvd2xbox.
    What's new/fixed:

    Last holiday update (work starts next week). The new dvd copy module is much more compatible than in previous versions (older versions wrote vobs in 1GB chunks, current version makes an 1:1 copy).

    Disk browser:
    + added support for encrypted DVDs (vob copy)
    + made left thumbstick less sensitive.
    + added a remove 'read only' file attribute before patching (to patch even files which aren't copied with dvd2xbox :).
    + added window refresh after changing media.
    + Helpscreen now always available via black button.
    + fixed bug where browser crashes when encounter disks with more than 100 files in one directory.

    Main copy module:
    + all main copy modules switched to the new sources (CDDA working again).
    + added a 'total' progress bar to UDF/DVD copy module.
    + added display of remaining bytes to copy (UDF/DVD) and remaining free space (all types).
    + added a copy report which displays files copied,files failed to copy and files renamed (GAME COPY + files patched with media check 1 and media check 2 long or short hex string).