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CronusMAX - utilizzare i Pad di PS3, PS4, WiiU, Xbox 360 e tastiera e mouse

Discussione in 'Xbox One | Accessori, Hardware e connessioni Audio' iniziata da nick69, 9 Dicembre 2013.

  1. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    ]CronusMAX - Full XBOX ONE Support Added! Worlds 1st Keyboard/Mouse/Modded Controllers

    For the last two weeks we have been working hard with the CronusMAX team to add complete support for the CronusMAX and XBOX ONE Console.

    This is perfect for those who love their old 360 controllers, or had a real expensive modded 360 controller and now don't have to worry about buying another, or want to use a PS4 Dualshock 4 controller or want that extra edge by playing with a keyboard and mouse. Naturally you have full access to all of the modpacks too so you can now play with a fully modded controller on your Xbox One - including our latest addition to the modpack range, CALL OF DUTY GHOSTS V1.0 - again supplied free of charge and will be out very soon

    This is a FREE update for all CronusMAX customers

    Introducing World's First Full Xbox One Support
    Gaming Keyboard & Mouse on Xbox One
    DualShock 3 Controller on Xbox One *Wired & Wireless*
    DualShock 4 Controller on Xbox One *Wired & Wireless*
    Xbox 360 Controller on Xbox One *Wired & Wireless*
    PS3 Joystick on Xbox One
    Xbox 360 Joystick on Xbox One
    Wii U Pro Controller on Xbox One
    Wiimote on Xbox One
    Full scr ipting and Macro Capabilities on Xbox One
    All ModPacks on Xbox One including Battlefield 4, Call of Duty Ghosts and more!


    Gtuner: 2013-12-10, Ver 2.08

    GPC: Added support for XB1 rumbling triggers (RUMBLE_RT, RUMBLE_LT)
    Added support for Xbox One console
    Added DS3 BT rumble flow control+ (plus) option
    Plugin Manager: Background color (green: installed, red: need update)
    Documentation updates

    Firmware: 2013-12-10, Ver 1.36

    Added support for Xbox One console
    GVM: Added support for rumbling triggers of Xbox One controller
    Fix DS4 accelerometers Y and Z signals
    Added DS3 BT rumble flow control+ (plus) option
    GVM: Fix on get_controller function

    MaxAim v3.10: Added support for Xbox One console (also added PS4 to be ready for upcoming support)

    MaxRemapper v1.10: Added support for Xbox One console (also added PS4 to be ready for upcoming support)

    ComboMagic v1.75: Added support for Xbox One console

    Enjoy a full video demo

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  2. Lordofthebritish

    Lordofthebritish Tribe Member

    13 Agosto 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    forse sarebbe meglio che dispositivi del genere non fossero permessi, mi metto nei panni di chi gioca a cod o bf col pad e si ritrova contro gente che usa tastiera e mouse...