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Cartographer Beta 6

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 3 Ottobre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cartographer Beta 6

    >> eXentric released a new version of Cartographer:

    What's New?
    Cartographer has made a huge leap forward this release with the addition of its new Effect Framework. From a very high level, effects can be thought of as PPF patches that can be partially applied or removed from a map dynamically while editing. In practice, however, effects are actually much much more then that. For more information about this cool new feature, or to install the first ever effect package (after you've installed Beta 6), head on over to the Effects Section of this website.
    All other changes from Beta 5 to Beta 6 are related to the Effect Framework. The main user interface, for example, had to be re-worked somewhat to make room for the new features. No other features or major bug fixes were added.
    BIG thanks to GIANTNewb, Michast, and Terminat0r for their help with the first effect package. Great job guys!

    What's Next?
    Those pesky element images are still in the back of my mind. Thanks to dmauro, I now have a perfectly good camera man. No I just need to find the time to use him.