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Atelier Rorona The Alchemist of Arland [53 Trofei]

Discussione in 'PS3 Games - Sezione Trofei' iniziata da Tinosognatore, 28 Gennaio 2012.

  1. Tinosognatore

    Tinosognatore Tribe Member

    3 Giugno 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Atelier Rorona The Alchemist of Arland

    Trofei Bronzo: 23
    Trofei Argento: 6
    Trofei Oro: 0
    Trofei Platino: 1
    Trofei Segreti: 23

    Trofei Totali: 53


    Assignment 1
    Obtained after clearing the 1st assignment.

    Assignment 2
    Obtained after clearing the 2nd assignment.

    Assignment 3
    Obtained after clearing the 3rd assignment.

    Assignment 4
    Obtained after clearing the 4th assignment.

    Assignment 5
    Obtained after clearing the 5th assignment.

    Assignment 6
    Obtained after clearing the 6th assignment.

    Assignment 7
    Obtained after clearing the 7th assignment.

    Assignment 8
    Obtained after clearing the 8th assignment.

    Assignment 9
    Obtained after clearing the 9th assignment.

    Assignment 10
    Obtained after clearing the 10th assignment.

    Assignment 11
    Obtained after clearing the 11th assignment.

    Assignments Cleared!
    Obtained after clearing the last assignment.

    True Ending
    Obtained by seeing the True Ending image.

    Good Ending
    Obtained by seeing the Good Ending image.

    Normal Ending
    Obtained by seeing the Normal Ending image.

    Bad Ending
    Obtained by seeing the Bad Ending.

    Game Over
    Obtained by earning a Game Over.

    Adventurer Lv. 50
    Obtained by reaching Adventurer Level 50.

    Alchemy Lv. 50
    Obtained by reaching Alchemy Level 50.

    The Cabbage Girl
    Obtained by winning the Cabbage Festival contest.

    Obtained by defeating one of the dragons.

    Demon Hunter
    Obtained by defeating a demon at Night's Domain.

    Obtained by defeating Iron Giant at Orthogalaxen.


    Monster Complete
    Obtained by collecting all Monster Info.

    Item Complete
    Obtained by collecting all Item Info.

    Hom Lv. 50
    Obtained by reaching Hom Level 50.

    Trust 100
    Obtained by reaching Trust Level 100.

    NPC Friendship 100
    Obtained by reaching Friendship Level 100 with everyone.

    Martial Master
    Obtained by winning the Martial Contest.


    Obtained after getting all other trophies.























