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[Thread Ufficiale] Waiting For PS4 & Xbox One

Discussione in 'Discussioni Generali sulle Console' iniziata da rewrew, 13 Giugno 2013.


Quale acquisterai?

  1. Xbox One

    17 valutazioni
  2. PS4

    63 valutazioni
  3. WiiU

    5 valutazioni
  4. Rimarrò ancora per un po' all'attuale gen.

    36 valutazioni
  5. Le prendo tutte!

    3 valutazioni
  6. PS4 e Xbox One

    5 valutazioni
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  1. boxaro95

    boxaro95 PokéFan

    4 Agosto 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Già che il frostbite lo supporta è una gran cosa, penso ci sia dietro un giro di soldi di quelli mai visti :asd:
    A MmK83 e nick69 piace questo messaggio.
  2. Peccato che l'illuminazione sia pre-calcolata e fittizia, buon lavoro artistico ma niente di più.
  3. Sostanzialmente è la stessa APU che c'è su One, da qui la possibilità di porting rapidi e indolore da PC a Xbox One e viceversa, ma questo non comporta una esclusione di PS4.
  4. Lordofthebritish

    Lordofthebritish Tribe Member

    13 Agosto 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Non mi convince il fatto che su ps4 penso i non multi andranno di opengl, inoltre le directx sono una versione precedente a quelle di one oltre a essere customizzate.
    Non so perché mi sembra una cosa pc/one solamente... probabilmente mi sbaglio.
  5. No, parlano di PC-One per questo motivo, perché intere sezioni di codice potranno esser prese senza troppe ricompilazioni. Su PS4 il lavoro sarà leggermente meno immediato.
  6. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Microsoft Details The Xbox One’s Cloud Integration With Forza Motorsport 5
    The cloud capabilities of the Xbox One explained.

    Yesterday, Microsoft released some new specs detailing the cloud capabilities of the Xbox One along with Forza 5. Today Microsoft released some brand new details to go along with that video.
    Check out some excerpts from the press release below:

    • The cloud allows the team to move learning AI into the cloud and act more like big data – or, act less like AI and more like real people. This brings AI closer to how real players drive.

    • The cloud enables a conversation between the “Forza” team and their community, which is at the heart of “Forza Motorsport 5.” Through the cloud, the “Forza” team can add new challenges, new achievements and let the community vote with their actions. So if drag racing is a hit with the community, for example, the team can add more challenges.

    • The cloud helped the team totally revamp Drivatars, where the system looks at how you drive and your behavior, brings it up to the cloud, crunches numbers, builds a profile, and builds an Avatar that races for you around the world and against your friends and family.

    It will be interesting to see where Microsoft takes gaming with the help of cloud in the next few years.
  7. Lordofthebritish

    Lordofthebritish Tribe Member

    13 Agosto 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Appunto quello intendevo, bisogna vedere quanti sviluppatori di multi poi vorranno fare questa cosa.
  8. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ti dico...io ho sempre avuto nvidia ma non perchè ho sempre ritenuto superiore l'hardware ma semplicemente perchè preferivo i driver nvidia (e la possibilità di flash bios) delle schede passate.Sempre in passato in ambito professionale quelli che usavano ati era solo perchè speravano che nel loro gioco online uscisse fuori un qualche bug driver che permettesse wallhack o altre puttanate simili (è successo più volte in counterstrike) in modo da avare vantaggi poco sgamabili dagli anticheat.Per quello ho odiato ati a suo tempo.
    Cmq vista l'evoluzione degli ultimi anni mi viene spontanea la voglia di provare le nuove schede che usciranno.Perchè è indubbio che ati di oggi non sia l'ati di un tempo.Un applauso quindi a amd che ci ha messo un po di anni ma è tornata competitiva :).
  9. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Dipende da quanto ne vale la pena, se i vantaggi saranno molti...
  10. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Spero sia veramente One e non solo il pad di One come in tutti gli altri eventi :asd:.I 60fps si vedono palesemente anche se il video è a 30,ora bisogna capire solo a che ris gira (io dico 720p scalati per l'online dalla console a 1080p :asd:).
    A kennuz, nick69 e Kassandro piace questo elemento.
  11. Beh ma ora come succede? Versione di riferimento (la più semplice da sviluppare e/o la più remunerativa) e poi porting nella maggior parte dei casi, quando va meglio svilippano le due versioni contemporaneamente. Tra l'altro le next-gen sono simili, molto simili.
    A glenkocco e Stepet82 piace questo messaggio.
  12. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Check Out Battlefield 4 Finally Running on Xbox One in New Video

  13. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Per chi ha il PC la beta di Battlefield 4 si può scaricare già il 29 settembre
    A boxaro95 piace questo elemento.
  14. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
  15. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    More Japanese Xbox One exclusives to come, hints Spencer - "Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey were wonderful experiences"
    "We'll be able to respond to the 'love' Japan games fans have for Xbox One."

    Microsoft has once again reaffirmed its dedication to the Japanese market, saying that it will launch the Xbox One in 2014 as a "complete" hardware platform, with language support, local TV and gaming partnerships and other entertainment services.

    "[The Xbox One] will come out 2014 in Japan," Phil Spencer said in an interview with Famitsu magazine. "We'll announce details like the date and price once the time is right. The Xbox One is an extremely complete hardware platform.

    "When we release it in a market as important as Japan, we want to be able to release it in its complete form, including local partnerships and language support. We need time to accomplish that no matter what, so we decided that we wouldn't make the November 22 [worldwide launch] date.

    "Japan is always an important market," he continued. "There are creators that have worked with us for many years now, and we've gotten lots of support from publishers as well. It's the same case for Xbox One. We've thought about how we can succeed in Japan, and we received a lot of feedback from Japanese game fans.
    "One example of that is Kinect. We researched how much space was needed in rooms in typical Japanese houses in order to enjoy Kinect comfortably. In the same way, we're tackling how to formulate the Xbox One service so we can provide it as best as possible to Japanese game fans."

    The Xbox has a lot of catching up to do if it wants to compete with Nintendo and Sony's offerings, which traditionally have a much stronger foothold in Japan, but Microsoft is confident that the Xbox One can be a contender, unlike the Xbox 360 and original Xbox before it. The key to its expected success? It's a "complete" package.

    "The consistent concept for Xbox One across the world is to provide the perfect form for all experiences demanded by the users," said Takashi Sensui, GM at Microsoft Japan and head honcho of Japan's Xbox operations. "Thus, we want to provide a 'complete' experience that'll satisfy Japanese users as well.

    "That doesn't mean localizing content, but also things like providing games Japanese users enjoy, as well as other entertainment and services. The basis of our Japan strategy involves gathering all of this together and providing it in one package."

    Entertainment and services sound all well and good, but the only thing that will really speak to Japanese consumers are games targeted towards their specific tastes. Is Microsoft ready to address those needs? "Actually, we'd like to work in tandem with Japanese developers to produce exclusive Xbox One titles for the Japan market," said Spencer.

    "I think we'll be announcing these titles once the Xbox One release date draws closer. Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey on the Xbox 360 were wonderful experiences, and I'm looking forward to forming partnerships with new developers for this system as well. I feel it's going well, that we'll be able to respond to the 'love' Japan games fans have for Xbox One."

    "I think the state of the Japanese market, and of game creators themselves, has changed since the Xbox 360 launch," Sensui added. "As a result, instead of doing the exact same thing as we did with the 360 deployment, we'd like to talk with developers and explore the possibilities when it comes to what sort of content we should release and how we should make users happy."
    Not everybody's convinced, but Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune thinks Xbox One has a real shot at making headway in Japan. I penned a blog on the subject not so long ago - feel free to join the debate.

    Thanks, Polygon.
    A RAMIREZ!doEverything! piace questo elemento.
  16. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Nvidia VP: “There’s no way a 200-watt Xbox is going to beat a 1,000-watt PC”

    Nvidia is suddenly all over the news this week, announcing that it’s working with the new SteamOS and boasting about how much more powerful PCs are than consoles. Given that Nvidia was skipped over for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, it’s understandable that it wants PC gamers to know it loves us very, very much.

    In an interview with PC Power Play, Nvidia’s senior vice president of technology Tony Tamasi said that PCs will, again, leave the consoles behind. “By the time of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the consoles were on par with the PC,” he said. “If you look inside those boxes, they’re both powered by graphics technology by AMD or NVIDIA, because by that time all the graphics innovation was being done by PC graphics companies.”

    Of course, he would say that, wouldn’t he? That doesn’t mean he’s wrong, though: if the next console cycle is anywhere near as long-lived as the last one, console gamers in 2020 will be playing on small, power-starved PCs almost a decade after the rest of us have upgraded.

    “The consoles have power budgets of only 200 or 300 Watts, so they can put them in the living room, using small fans for cooling, yet run quietly and cool,” Tamasi said. “And that’s always going to be less capable than a PC, where we spend 250W just on the GPU. There’s no way a 200W Xbox is going to be beat a 1000W PC.”

    Nvidia is partnering with Valve on the new SteamOS by opening up its drivers to Linux—something independence-minded gamers have been asking about for ages. In a blog post on its website, Nvidia writes that “engineers from Valve and NVIDIA have spent a lot of time collaborating on a common goal for SteamOS: to deliver an open-platform gaming experience with superior performance and uncompromising visuals directly on the big screen.”
  17. boxaro95

    boxaro95 PokéFan

    4 Agosto 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
  18. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Il gioco è stupendo (quanto rosico :p ), ma mi aspettavo una differenza più marcata rispetto al 4. Sicuramente meglio luci e riflessi. Lo sfondo sembra quasi meglio quello del 4. L'auto di per se è quasi identica se non fosse per i riflessi. Graficamente mi aspettavo di più sinceramente.
    A MmK83, gallo92, Kassandro e 2 altri utenti piace questo elemento.
  19. boxaro95

    boxaro95 PokéFan

    4 Agosto 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Andrebbe confrontato con Forza 2, tanto per farsi un'idea di come stavamo ad inizio gen :asd: (che tra l'altro girava a 30 frame al secondo)
    A nick69 piace questo elemento.
  20. Sid

    Sid Tribe Active Member

    16 Novembre 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Chi ha visto una volta il cielo di Palermo...
    PSN Tag:
    per è migliore forza 4 lol
    A Ducati87 piace questo elemento.
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