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[Thread Ufficiale] Waiting For PS4 & Xbox One

Discussione in 'Discussioni Generali sulle Console' iniziata da rewrew, 13 Giugno 2013.


Quale acquisterai?

  1. Xbox One

    17 valutazioni
  2. PS4

    63 valutazioni
  3. WiiU

    5 valutazioni
  4. Rimarrò ancora per un po' all'attuale gen.

    36 valutazioni
  5. Le prendo tutte!

    3 valutazioni
  6. PS4 e Xbox One

    5 valutazioni
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  1. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xbox One – Kinect will overcome its “perception problem,” says Microsoft’s Penello
    Microsoft’s planning and marketing director Albert Penello believes the public’s perception of Kinect will change once they get their hands on an Xbox One.

    Speaking with OXM, Penello said one of the ways in which perceptions will change is that Kinect for Xbox One was built not as an accessory like the first iteration, but was engineered alongside the new console.

    “One of the biggest challenges with Kinect is that the people who are the most vocal against it, often haven’t used it,” Penello said. “You know, we’ve sold 26 million of them against a 76 million unit install base, or something along those lines – but the problem is it’s an accessory right? And whenever you have an accessory, you know, as a guy who’s worked on platforms now for three generations, there’s always a pro and a con to an accessory.

    “The con is, when developers can’t rely on it, when they don’t know it’s there, they’re never going to take full advantage of it. So, you get these inconsistent gaming experiences, you get inconsistent implementation, game developers had to choose to take CPU power away from the console to support the skeletons. And what we said was, for those of us that use it – like I don’t play Pixar Rush, it’s not my kind of game, but I use Kinect all the time for Xbox pause, Xbox play.

    “And when you see the features that the new Kinect can do – we just said, you know what, like let’s take that decision of having to make that trade off away and the console will support it, it’s native, it was engineered for it.”

    Penello went on to say that he believes the new experiences created for Kinect “will sell” especially now that “everybody can rely on it, now that we’re not burdening developers [with the task of making] trade-offs with games that use it, that means more people are going to experience it.”

    Kinect is not required for Xbox One to run, but will be shipped with every console staring in November.
  2. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Il direttore del design di DriveClub, Paul Rustchynsky, ha rilasciato alcuni dettagli sull’imminente gioco per PlayStation 4. Qui sotto trovate un sommario delle informazioni che ha rilasciato:

    -L’edizione PS PLUS di DriveClub sarà disponibile ANCHE nel 2014
    -Ci sarà uno sconto significativo per fare l’upgrade alla versione digitale completa
    -Lo sconto sarà quantificato e rivelato nelle prossime settimane
    -Quando effettueremo l’upgrade dall’edizione PS PLUS, avremo la copia digitale completa che non richiederà l’abbonamento PS PLUS per essere giocata
    -Potremo ottenere il trofeo di platino nell’edizione PS PLUS
    -Il team di sviluppo sta lavorando per implementare un “photo mode” nel gioco
    -Non ci sarà la modalità split-screen

    Ma inserire il Photo Mode in un gioco è così complicato?
  3. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    A me DriveClub è il gioco che ispira meno di quelli visti su ps4.Quando fecero vedere il primo filmato (non ricordo se già a febbraio) rimasi scioccato dal fatto che l'omino salisse in auto tutto figo,si allacciasse le cinture,accende l'auto con il pulsante start....tutto pro!!1111 e poi parte....UN ARCADE DA SCHIFO ALLUCINANTE :rotfl:.Sto gioco è palesemente un (non degno) rivale di Project Gotham.Cosi anche Sony può dire di avere il suo gioco di guida bello da vedere ma ignorante.Sapevatelo :).
  4. Ciscopunk

    Ciscopunk Habemus Papam

    22 Agosto 2005
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Il paese delle teste quadrate -TN-
    Lo ha già. E' multipiatta e te lo regalavano col plus di agosto, Need For Speed Most Wanted anche se non è esclusiva :asd:
  5. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Most wanted non è bello da vedere, ignorante tanto però.
  6. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    A kennuz e Stepet82 piace questo messaggio.
  7. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Il trailer mi ha fatto venire voglia di provarlo. Se il gameplay è bello potrebbe rivelarsi un piccolo capolavoro.
    A MmK83 piace questo elemento.
  8. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cmq solo ora ho potuto guardare il filmato di Cerny sull'evoluzione Sony e ho natato questo :


    Qualcuno sà cos'è?C'è una bella scritta x86 sopra e poi il "?"...sarà un pezzo della ps4? :asd:
  9. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Secondo me è una gpu sotto mentite spoglie :lalala:
  10. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Mi meraviglio non ti ricordi più l'hai già visto!...tanti anni fa....

    Ti do un aiuto....:D


    E ora "con il vestito" :asd:

    Ultima modifica: 4 Settembre 2013
    A MmK83 e boxaro95 piace questo messaggio.
  11. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Da un Twit di Pennello

    Xbox One Hardware Improvement again 1.75Mhz > 1.6Mhz

    So far, so good for the Xbox One.

    Xbox chief marketing officer Yusef Mehdi just spoke at the Citi Global Technology Conference and said Microsoft is now in full production for the Xbox One and producing in mass with plans still on for a November 2013 launch.

    About one month after improving the GPU clock speed, Mehdi added that Microsoft just made another technical boost by upgrading the CPU performance to 1.75 GHZ from 1.6 GHZ.

    Mehdi wouldn’t reveal a launch date — the PlayStation 4 comes out Nov. 15 — but did say that the system is “really going to shine.”

    “This will be the biggest launch we’ve ever done by a wide margin in terms of units shipped at launch,” Mehdi said.

    Mehdi also had some interesting insights on the Xbox One policy reversals, the $499 price point and how the Xbox business will change with Microsoft’s big re-organization. Stay tuned for more.


    Xbox One now being made, only 2 more month for DAT next gen console goodness.

    Ultima modifica: 4 Settembre 2013
    A MmK83 piace questo elemento.
  12. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Difatti me pareva na cazzata la cpu sul pci :asd:.Solo che appunto il materiale montato sopra sembra diverso.
  13. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Prima mi sono spulciato info su Dead Rising 3...pare che la ris nativa sia anche li 720p.
  14. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Quella in mezzo è sicuramente l'APU i due integrati ai lati potrebbe essere la cache di secondo livello....Intel aveva usato il soket 1 appunto per risparmiarsi di montare la L2 on die, ipotesi mia se Sony ha messo la cache fuori dal die ha avuto lo spazio per metterci la GPU più potente....ipotesi mia.
    A MmK83 piace questo elemento.
  15. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Heavy Rain originally turned down by Microsoft due to child kidnapping themes

    Prior to its release as a PlayStation 3 exclusive in 2010, Heavy Rain was turned down by Microsoft due to themes of kidnapping children, Quantic Dream founder David Cage revealed during today's*BAFTA games lecture in London.

    Microsoft initially aimed to work with the French studio after the release of Fahrenheit, Quantic Dream's earlier interactive drama launched in 2005. "They really loved Fahrenheit," said Cage, "and they really wanted to do something with us." Despite interest in the studio, Cage states Microsoft "got scared" over the subject matter of the game which revolves around the kidnapping of a child. "They didn't want the scandal," said Cage.

    "Microsoft is a great company, I'm not complaining or criticizing," he added, stating both companies had different visions of what they wanted to achieve with Heavy Rain. Describing the experience, Cage said, "it was like, you know, we really can't work together."

    The studio would later begin a working relationship with Sony, a publisher that Cage said was more receptive to the developer's potentially controversial themes for the game. According to Cage, the studio was able to describe to Sony that Heavy Rain "can be really emotional, but [its themes] shouldn't be vulgar," adding that both studio and publisher "could understand each other and this is how Heavy Rain happened."

    Quantic Dream is currently working on the upcoming PlayStation 3 title Beyond: Two Souls, slated to launch on Oct. 8.
  16. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Ottima idea, l'ennesima...
  17. RAMIREZ!doEverything!

    RAMIREZ!doEverything! (almostEverything!IcannotUseDisqus!)

    28 Giugno 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Minas Morgul
    Sorpresina M$:

    Xbox One ha una CPU più veloce
    Microsoft annuncia un altro "upgrade" alle specifiche della console.

    Quindi na bomba? cambia una ceppa? stravolge la CW? :asd:

    Incredibile ma vero, anche il Tribe ne parla!

    Ultima modifica: 4 Settembre 2013
  18. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Lo hanno detto per non sfigurare troppo rispetto ai rumor che vogliono la PS4 avere una CPU a 2.75Mhz, adesso anche loro hanno gli ,75 :asd:
    Che cmq è impossibile che PS4 abbia quella frequenza ed è da quando è comparso il rumor che lo vado ripetendo, quella è la frequenza del solo dev kit che è generalmente più potente delle console retail.
  19. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    L'articolo di Digital Foundry

    Xbox One CPU speed increased by 9.375 per cent
    1.6GHz processor bumped up to 1.75GHz in production hardware.
    Microsoft reveals the final flourish to its Xbox One design - a significant increase in CPU power.
    By Richard Leadbetter Published Wednesday, 4 September 2013

    Microsoft has revealed that the Xbox One final production hardware features a 9.375 per cent increase to CPU speed, with the eight-core AMD processor now running at 1.75GHz - 150MHz faster than the beta hardware.

    The speed bump was revealed by Yusuf Mehdi, corporate vice president of marketing and strategy for Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business, speaking at the Citi Global Technology Conference.

    "We're on track for launch in November," Mehdi revealed. "We'll announce a launch date shortly. We recently just went into full production, so we're now producing en masse Xbox One consoles. We've had real good progress on the system. In fact, we just updated the CPU performance to 1.75GHz on top of the graphics performance improvement, so the system is really going to shine... The games look pretty incredible."

    The news follows a similar announcement on system performance last month, where Microsoft revealed that the Xbox One's graphics chip had received a 53MHz boost to clock speed, offering up an additional 6.62 per cent of performance.

    "This is the time where we've gone from the theory of how the hardware works - what do we think the yield is going to look like, what is the thermal envelope, how do things come together - to really having them in our hands," corporate president Marc Whitten said. "That's the time where you start tweaking the knobs. Either your theory was right dead on, or you were a little too conservative, or you were a little too aggressive. It's actually been really good news for us, and an example of that is we've tweaked up the clock speed on our GPU from 800MHz to 853MHz."

    "The big surprise at the recent Hot Chips 25 presentation was the reveal of an additional 8GB of NAND storage in Xbox One. Our sources tell us that games developers have no access to it - suggesting it's for the OS and apps."

    Now it seems that additional overhead was found once Microsoft got its hand on production silicon, with the CPU component able to run at 1.75GHz, compared to the initial 1.6GHz target. The speed increase to both major elements of the Xbox One processor is a further nail in the coffin of the theory that Microsoft had problems with its yield - the amount of useable chips that come off the production line.

    Increasing speeds typically causes the yield to drop, and can cause problems with heat owing to the additional power draw. According to Anandtech's analysis of the Jaguar CPU hardware utilised by the next-gen consoles, a 25 per cent boost to CPU speed results in a 66 per cent increase in power consumption and 1.6GHz - the clock speed for PlayStation 4 - is thought to be the sweet spot in terms of performance per watt for the architecture. The fact that Microsoft has managed to extract that extra performance speaks to the efficiency of the console's cooling assembly and internal airflow. Similar performance increases with PlayStation 4 are unlikely owing to the much smaller casing.

    Further information on the technological make-up of the Xbox One's processor were revealed last week at Hot Chips 25, hosted at Stanford University in California, where Microsoft's John Sell and Patrick O'Connor revealed that the chip does indeed feature five billion transistors incorporated into a 363mm2 die (in comparison, AMD's top-end Radeon HD 7970 graphics card features a 4.3-billion transistor chip with a 365mm2 die). Advanced power-saving reduces the juice consumed by the chip to just 2.5 per cent when it is in a standby state.

    Most of the stats revealed in the presentation tie in closely with the white papers describing beta "Durango" hardware, previously revealed in the SuperDaE leaks, though there are some interesting new additions, such as a 30GB/s link from the CPU to the DDR3 RAM. In contrast, PlayStation 4 is believed to have 20GB/s access to the 8GB of GDDR5, while the graphics hardware has the full 176GB/s bandwidth available. We also see that the 32MB of ESRAM (embedded static RAM) used by Xbox One for accelerated GPU processing is actually a cluster of four 8MB modules, each with a 256-bit bus, operating in parallel to facilitate its wide bandwidth.

    "It's clear that Microsoft was conservative in the creation of its Xbox One processor. Access to final hardware has allowed them to push the thermal envelope, resulting in a faster console."

    Wired's photography of the Xbox One internals demonstrates what makes the CPU and graphics hardware speed bumps possible - a big airy case, a high-quality heat sink, and a very, very large fan to dissipate heat.
    The combination of the CPU performance increase in combination with its cluster of custom "Data Move Engines" strongly suggests that while PlayStation 4 has an undoubted graphics hardware advantage, the Xbox One's CPU capabilities are a significant step ahead. Audio-wise, Microsoft's hardware is also impressive, with DSP effects, mixing and other features effectively available for "free" to developers, where PS4's set-up only decodes compressed audio formats. It's understood that these hardware features are being incorporated into major middlewares, which potentially sees the audio burden on CPU reduced on Xbox One.

    But perhaps the biggest surprise from the glut of information revealed at Hot Chips is the inclusion of 8GB of eMMC NAND memory, included in addition to the 500GB hard drive. This is the same sort of storage found in smartphones, Wii U and the 12GB PlayStation 3. Further details on how the memory is used were not forthcoming from Microsoft, but development sources tell us that they have no access to the NAND, all but confirming that the additional storage is used for the operating system and perhaps the apps that can run side-by-side with gameplay

    Traditionally, a stronger graphics chip makes much more of an impact to overall performance in console architecture - a state of affairs borne out by Microsoft's own Xbox 360, and the approach taken by Sony with PlayStation 4, which also enjoys an overall bandwidth advantage from its unified pool of GDDR5 RAM. However, behind the scenes, the platform holder is adamant that Xbox One is highly competitive with its Sony rival while at the same time championing its multi-OS system as the means by which Xbox One will do things that no other games machine has done in the past - something we had a taste of at Gamescom a couple of weeks ago.Digital Foundry
    Ultima modifica: 4 Settembre 2013
  20. boxaro95

    boxaro95 PokéFan

    4 Agosto 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Mamma mia che overclock pesante :asd:
    A MmK83, kennuz, nick69 e 1 altro utente piace questo messaggio.
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