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PS4 The Order: 1886

Discussione in 'Discussioni Ufficiali sui giochi New Gen' iniziata da rewrew, 12 Agosto 2014.

  1. quetzalcoatl

    quetzalcoatl Il committer più veloce del west Administrator

    12 Febbraio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    PSN Tag:
    Xbox Live Tag:
    Povero Kassandro, ecco il momento esatto in cui the order gli spezza il cuore. :asd:

    A uscav, glenkocco, Jill Sandwich e 5 altri utenti piace questo elemento.
  2. Kassandro

    Kassandro GBU Giga Banned User

    19 Settembre 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cantù Che Conta
    PSN Tag:

    andate a cagare:asd: su ste cazz di nuove console sono usciti solo sparaminchia e openworld del caiser
    Io voglio un bel gioco single cazzuto.. ma deve durare più di me a letto :rolleyes:
    A quetzalcoatl piace questo elemento.
  3. Kassandro

    Kassandro GBU Giga Banned User

    19 Settembre 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cantù Che Conta
    PSN Tag:
    “For those worrying about gameplay length, please stop. I've been playing it nonstop since 2:45pm; it's now about 10pm, and I have 7 6 chapters left to finish. And yes, there is plenty of gameplay; it's not mostly cutscenes. The beginning of the game is heavy on exposition, but things heat up midway, and now I would say it's heavy on combat. Some very interesting story developments going down now; I could easily finish this in one sitting, it has me hooked, but The Walking Dead is calling me lol. I can't stress enough how crazy the visuals are. No slowdown, crazy smooth frame rate, (it's gotta be above 30) it really is playable CGI.”

    "Finally finished.

    Going to try to do this without saying anything at all about the graphics.

    As I stated originally the game starts off slowly with a deliberate pacing building the characters story and atmosphere. After about 5 hours in the story becomes very tight but you are asked to read between the lines on a few issues which I will not spoil here. Following context clues makes some of them pretty blatant others a bit more elusive. It is all tied together very nicely.

    Level design is good, not excellent but good there are often multiple ways to dispatch enemies besides hiding behind cover and playing whack a mole. I like to try different approaches to combat in every game I play and can make combat in Infamous Second Son look like a choreographed fight in a film.

    Some of the things you can do in the Order when you put some thought into it are pretty amazing. They just require a bit of creative timing with Blacksight and the various weapons at your disposal. I do feel like something is missing from combat options but I cannot quite put my finger on exactly what it is. I never had a problem with the cover system and was at times impressed (annoyed heavily at one point) with the enemy AI.

    The Order is going to be my new go to score and there is one track in particular that hits at just the right moment and adds an extra layer of drama to the already intense scene. The music never felt out of place but what stood out to me just as much as the music was the ambient sounds. Some of them are so good I would suggest standing still and just listening to the world around you.
    There were a few QTE in the game that I felt were out of place outside of those few incidents the pacing and placement of them was fine. The game gets better as you go on and in my opinion ends on a very high note but I must admit it has left me wanting more. I would suggest playing with aim assist off, camera bias on and hard difficulty.
    I will give the game another play through at a much slower pace but if I had to say yes or no to buying this game day one, I would say this is definitely a day one game.

    I think the game is more akin to TLOU in pacing than Gears which is a good thing in my opinion and after completion I would still say this is my favorite new IP so far this generation.

    First play through score 9/10

    Well here are my final impressions for the game, i'll review parts of the game in different categories , then the overall experience and summary.
    I'll try to sum up everything as much as I can.

    Technical marvel. True next-gen experience, on all fronts.
    No loading times, super silky smooth frame rate (you all be surprised how smooth it is), no graphic glitches, amazing and consistent art all around.
    A lot of times it's hard for you to grasp it's even a game running real time.
    Black bars didn't really filled their job.
    Making transitions back to gameplay already done better in games like MGS. They downgraded from the experience, from gameplay side and from art side.

    True 1886 era fitted music, amazing score and theme.
    Voice acting is top notch all around.
    Were moments I was surprised the developers added some of the sounds you usually don't hear while interacting with the environment.
    The theme really works and sticks with you, other times though really good music kicks in but can be forgettable easily.
    Menu and UI:
    Menu is on the light side, something I like.
    It's easy to navigate, and to understand and looks good.
    Only thing that comes to mind on the bad side, is the weapon selection UI.
    It's too big and centered in the middle of the screen, not very good while action is going.
    No option to change button layouts is a big negative.

    Pacing and story:
    Starts really slow, the intro stays it's welcome way too much.
    And on top of bad paced intro, it comes instead of good exposition that I felt lacking most of the game.
    The story starts to pick up from late middle of the game, but when it does it grabs you so hard it makes you want to continue playing nonstop. Really emotional and good, something a lot of games having hard time to achieve.
    Characters are really believable and make strong impact.
    Sometimes the story kicks you to some places, which you wander what happened between the last cut scene to the next. I felt out of place when it happened, it felt unnatural to the flow of the game.
    Sadly the game ends way too quick after the story really shines and makes you feel you deserved more.

    Odd design and gameplay decisions plague this game.
    Basic cover and stealth mechanics makes a solid shooting encounters.
    It also fails to explain in depth cover mechanics like camera bias (which is off by default) and corner cover switching, taking into account the game has a very long intro to introduce them.
    You actually use some of the weapons once or twice the entire game. Made me wish I could use them more in the first time playing.
    Setting up encounters in terms of level design and weapon placement can be better.
    It's on par with KillZone SF right now.
    QTE's in the game strike me as a failure from the gameplay design aspect for making better shooting encounters and "boos battles". Like Far Cry 3.

    Game is AAA with high production values, I don't think the negative outweighs the positive.
    In a sense it's more of a journey, a really good and polished one we must endure till a sequel that will make good on gameplay without any black bars.
    Is it worth the price of admission now? Yes.
    There's nothing else like it on the market now, the wow factor is really big.
    And if we put aside the wow factor, it's still a good polished story driven game with production values trough the roof.

    Granted if you played uncharted or gears, there's a lot of room this game doesn't deliver, but overall it's something you can't allow yourself not to experience.

    The order 1886, is really a new mascot for SONY. Just not too shiny. "

    “Just finished the Lycan encounter that's been shown at E3. The visuals seem to have been upgraded; it looks incredible. The fight itself reminds me of RE4; very visceral and hard hitting. I think this game will be very divisive; I like slow burn, atmospheric games, which The Order most certainly is. Those who crave constant, in your face action will probably be disappointed, because it's just not that type of game. The real star of the show is the universe itself; the settings, the characters, the way the story is told bit by bit instead of just flooding you with information. If someone were to walk in on you playing this, at first glance they would think you were watching a movie, which is what I believe RAD was aiming for. It looks eerily lifelike at times. I'm playing on Hard, with aim assist off, and I've died about 10 times so far.”

    Boxari brutti e cattivi quelle delle tue fonti o fanboy spudorati questi? :asd:
    A Stepet82 piace questo elemento.
  4. Macchiaiolo

    Macchiaiolo Tribe Active Member

    11 Dicembre 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Granducato di Toscana - Follonica
    Spero la prima, visto la spesa. :asd:
    Però un conto sono le chiacchere, un conto sono un video, o una playlist che lo dimostra. :(
  5. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Sicuramente qualcuno mente.
  6. Kassandro

    Kassandro GBU Giga Banned User

    19 Settembre 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cantù Che Conta
    PSN Tag:
    ..la verità starà nel mezzo come sempre... 8/10 ore di gioco (nella norma per il genere) piacerà o meno..
  7. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    La lascio scoprire a voi :asd:
    Mai stato più felice di non fare questo salto nel buio che è diventato questo d1.
    A emicad e kennuz piace questo messaggio.
  8. Sid

    Sid Tribe Active Member

    16 Novembre 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Chi ha visto una volta il cielo di Palermo...
    PSN Tag:
    e che molti utenti in giro per il mondo non ti aiutano proprio :asd:
  9. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Il problema è che le esclusive uscite finora sono state TUTTE una delusione, chi in un modo chi in un altro. Questa si sta profilando come l'ennesima. Sono sincero, se non fosse stato annunciato Uncharted non avrei un solo motivo per tenere sta console. Esclusive, Psn, plus, pad: tutto fail.
    A emicad e Cindo piace questo messaggio.
  10. Evalax

    Evalax In(DIE)tollerante

    30 Agosto 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Terra di Mosconi
    Killzone e infamous a me sono piaciuti,certo non sono capolavori ma d'altronde nemmeno i precedenti lo erano.
    Il problema è stato l'hype che hanno generato per le nuove IP che si sono rivelate mediocri: Knack lo presentarono con il sonoro di Crash e sembrava la nuova icona dei platform sony,poi è uscito -_-
    Driveclub doveva essere il titolo imperdibile che rinnovava i giochi di corse proponendosi come il cazzutissimo primo social racing e poi ha un online scrauso che permette di fare la metà delle cose della maggior parte dei giochi di quel genere.
    The Order lo hanno sempre pompato fino all'inverosimile come il nuovo capolavoro sony e poi adesso che qualcuno lo sta provando girano voci che non duri niente è che sia troppo facile (per carità non è ancora detto fin quando non esce ma i dubbi sono tanti)
    A Stepet82 piace questo elemento.
  11. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    A tutto questo che hai detto aggiungi che Killzone a me ha fatto pietà, mi è piaciuto solo graficamente. Infamous si salva, ma è l'unico.
  12. Fifù

    Fifù Tribe Member

    26 Febbraio 2013
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Non è che passando dall'altra sponda hai di più però.. :cry:
    A Stepet82 piace questo elemento.
  13. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Ma quale altra sponda? Lasciamo perdere va, che è meglio. :asd:
    Peggio che andar di notte.
    A Fifù e emicad piace questo messaggio.
  14. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Dai video dello youtuber ecco i dati sui tempi di gioco senza perlustrare tutto (raccogliere i collezzionabili)
    In case you're interested, I did an analysis of the 5:30 walkthrough. Notes:

    Gameplay include walking sessions, prompts for actions that aren't inserted in mere cutscene sessions (like pushing a carriage)
    QTE include prompts for actions insterted in mere cutscene sessions
    Cutscenes include mere videos
    This isn't 100% accurate, but it should give you a decent idea.

    So, here it is

    Prologue - Total | 12:28 --> Gameplay | 3:39 - QTE | 1:58 - Cutscenes | 6:50
    Chapter 1 - Total | 29:23 --> Gameplay | 20:20 - Cutscenes | 9:03
    Chapter 2 - Total | 16:33 --> Gameplay | 6:43 - Cutscenes | 9:49
    Chapter 3 - Total | 46:00 --> Gameplay | 32:36 - QTE | 0:54 - Cutscenes | 12:30
    Chapter 4 - Total | 24:25 ---> Gameplay | 12:20 - QTE | 2:21 - Cutscenes | 9:46
    Chapter 5 - Total | 32:41 --> Gameplay | 24:17 - QTE | 0:32 - Cutscenes | 7:52
    Chapter 6 - Total | 7:32 --> Gameplay | 1:42 - QTE | 0.18 - Cutscenes | 5:32
    Chapter 7 - Total | 6:41 ---> Cutscenes | 6:41
    Chapter 8 - Total | 21:37 --> Gameplay | 9:30 - QTE | 0:07 - Cutscenes | 12:00
    Chapter 9 - Total | 43:07 --> Gameplay | 31:13 - QTE | 1:13 - Cutscenes | 10:41
    Chapter 10 - Total | 4:07 --> Cutscenes | 4:07
    Chapter 11 - Total | 44:15 --> Gameplay | 33:13 - QTE | 1:07 - Cutscenes | 9:55
    Chapter 12 - Total | 5:37 --> Cutscenes | 5:37
    Chapter 13 - Total | 5:17 --> Gameplay | 0:04 - Cutscenes | 5:13
    Chapter 14 - Total | 5:31 --> Gameplay | 1:47 - Cutscenes | 3:44
    Chapter 15 - Total | 10:48 --> Gameplay | 9:24 - Cutscenes | 1:24
    Chapter 16 - Total | 9:23 --> QTE | 2:33 - Cutscenes | 6:50

    Walkthrough - Total | 325:17 --> Gameplay | 186:48 - QTE | 11:03 - Cutscenes | 127:26

    Gameplay | 57,43%
    QTE | 3.4%
    Cutscenes | 39.17%
    A Stepet82 e quetzalcoatl piace questo messaggio.
  15. quetzalcoatl

    quetzalcoatl Il committer più veloce del west Administrator

    12 Febbraio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    PSN Tag:
    Xbox Live Tag:
    Sapevo che qualche malato di mente l'avrebbe fatto :D
    A glenkocco piace questo elemento.
  16. uscav

    uscav Tribe Member

    25 Settembre 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    outer heaven
    Ora secondo me le piattaforme da avere sono Pc e Wiiu , queste console sono un fail totale,pensa che il titolo migliore per me è stato Tlou Remastered :asd:
    A Fifù e MmK83 piace questo messaggio.
  17. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Metà gioco sono cutscenes :dead:
    Meno male che i qte sono pochi, almeno quell'aspetto è positivo.
  18. Evalax

    Evalax In(DIE)tollerante

    30 Agosto 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Terra di Mosconi
    Mio a 5 euro,3 ore di gioco e basta sono una presa per il culo,è peggio di Metal Gear
  19. Evalax

    Evalax In(DIE)tollerante

    30 Agosto 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Terra di Mosconi

    Per chi non capisse il francese faccio una traduzione:

    Giocabilità: Fasi action semplici ma efficaci,molti qte,non molto ispirato: modesto
    Grafica: Texture fenomenali,nessuna transizione tra giocato e cutscenes: un gioiello
    Sonoro: Musiche riuscite,dialoghi piacevoli come anche gli effetti sonori delle armi
    Durata: 7 ore per concludere l'avventura senza avere fretta,è poco considerando che le cutscenes occupano la metà del tempo
  20. emicad

    emicad The Pessimist

    26 Ottobre 2013
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Quindi non 3 ore, ma nemmeno 8 e 30.