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[Thread Ufficiale] Waiting For PS4 & Xbox One

Discussione in 'Discussioni Generali sulle Console' iniziata da rewrew, 13 Giugno 2013.


Quale acquisterai?

  1. Xbox One

    17 valutazioni
  2. PS4

    63 valutazioni
  3. WiiU

    5 valutazioni
  4. Rimarrò ancora per un po' all'attuale gen.

    36 valutazioni
  5. Le prendo tutte!

    3 valutazioni
  6. PS4 e Xbox One

    5 valutazioni
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  1. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    In Italiano qualche info in più, pensavo fosse un pò più grande

    Xbox One progettata per durare almeno 10 anni

    L'Xbox One è stata realizzata in dimensioni abbondanti per un preciso motivo tecnico.
    L'Xbox One si basa su una piattaforma hardware ampia e ingombrante per una questione di affidabilità: l'obiettivo è offrire un ciclo di vita di almeno 10 anni. Fonti interne a Microsoft avrebbero confermato a Eurogamer che la dissipazione del calore è stata considerata una priorità in fase di progettazione. Il Red Ring of Death dell'Xbox 360 effettivamente negli anni è costato non solo miliardi di dollari in riparazioni, ma ha generato anche problemi per l'immagine dell'azienda.

    Microsoft al momento non ha diffuso ancora le esatte misure della sua console, ma approssimativamente si parla di un ingombro pari a 34 x 26 x 8 cm. Questo, secondo gli sviluppatori, sembrerebbe consentire un'ottima gestione dei flussi di raffreddamento. Pare che in condizioni di basso carico di lavoro, come ad esempio la riproduzione audio/video, e "idle" la console sia completamente silenziosa.

    L'Xbox One smontata da Wired effettivamente conferma la presenza di una mega ventola che occupa praticamente lo stesso spazio del lettore Blu-Ray. La dimensione dovrebbe consentire un minor numero di giri e quindi silenziosità. Sembra quasi un modding estremo di una console. Gli esperti poi hanno rilevato con entusiasmo la presenza di un voluminoso dissipatore.

    Eurogamer sostiene poi che i consumi energetici saranno ridotti, considerato che il core grafico è simile a quello delle Radeon HD 7790 (85 W di picco) e l'architettura AMD Jaguar vanta grande efficienza.
  2. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xbox One cloud processing gives Forza 5 600% more AI capability, says dev

    Xbox One’s cloud processing is said to give Forza Motorsport 5 a 600% AI capability boost, according to developer Turn10.

    Speaking with OXM, the game’s creative director Dan Greenawalt bigged-up Forza 5′s Drivatar feature, which creates smart AI ghosts based on how players drive, and then plonks them into the game as opponents.

    He called the use of Xbox One’s cloud processing to create the mechanic a “tremendous opportunity” and added, “When you’ve got a learning neural network, more computing power is nothing but helpful. Because what you’re able to do is process a lot more information, and you don’t have to do it in realtime on the box. And that frees up more of the box to be doing graphics or audio or other computational areas.

    “So we can now make our AI instead of just being 20%, 10% of the box’s capability, we can make it 600% of the box’s capability,” he went on. “Put it in the cloud and free up that 10% or 20% to make the graphics better – on a box that’s already more powerful than we worked on before.”

    600% is a big increase so I’ll leave you decide if this is realistic or not. Either way, are you excited for Forza 5? Let us know below.

    Articolo originale

    Forza 5 is "the hardest thing Turn 10 has ever done", Xbox One cloud offers 600% more AI capability
    "But it's exciting, we're having fun, but it's a huge challenge."

    Ask yourself this: what would you do with 600% more brainpower, funnelled to your skull from vast corporate servers? I suspect I'd devote my share to writing better article introductions. Speaking to OXM during our first look at Forza Motorsport 5, Turn 10's studio manager Alan Hartman and creative director Dan Greenawalt have revealed a little of the stress and excitement that accompanies the development of a shiny-shiny launch racer.

    "I've been in the business for quite a while I've been leading game teams for 20 years," Hartman told us. "I've been here at Turn 10 for eight. In that time I've figured out the simple secret to running successful teams is creating an environment, a culture, that is safe that is challenging that is a place that attracts the best talent in the world and lets them do their best work.

    Click to view larger image "That's not terribly unique," he admitted. "It is something I could do anywhere. So why do I do it here? Because it's first party. And first party is so challenging."
    As we reported yesterday, Hartman and Greenawalt say Microsoft has never ordered them to make use of this or that platform feature - the developers were "asked" rather than "told" to show players what the console can do. Turn 10, however, feels that it has a responsibility to test Xbox One's mettle, and Forza 5 is thus a fearsomely comprehensive illustration of the new hardware's capabilities.

    Hartman went onto highlight "the kind of tools and technology and processes, and business practices we have to put in place to enable all that. That continuous flow of content that is not only a massive amount of content but quality content.

    "We've kept the quality up, we've improved the quality year over year of that quantity, and we've kept the cadence. Because if you can't deliver when the platform needs you then it doesn't matter. We have to be there when they need us to showcase the platform."

    Click to view larger image Forza 5, in conclusion, is "a massive game, a quality game, an innovative game. At launch of the console. It's crazy hard. It's the hardest thing we've ever done. But it's exciting, we're having fun, but it's a huge challenge."
    Turn 10 is particularly chuffed at being able to make use of Xbox One's cloud computing support for its much-sung Drivatar AI system, which trades out pre-scr ipted computer drivers for cloud-stored entities that learn from player behaviour. Greenawalt described the ability to offload such tasks to servers as a "tremendous opportunity".

    "When you've got a learning neural network, more computing power is nothing but helpful. Because what you're able to do is process a lot more information, and you don't have to do it in realtime on the box. And that frees up more of the box to be doing graphics or audio or other computational areas.

    "So we can now make our AI instead of just being 20%, 10% of the box's capability, we can make it 600% of the box's capability," he went on. "Put it in the cloud and free up that 10% or 20% to make the graphics better - on a box that's already more powerful than we worked on before."

    I'll give you a few seconds to wash all the hyperbole out of your eyes. Done? Right. Here's another riddle: what kind of Drivatar do you think you'll unleash upon the world? The below video may be of some help.

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    Ultima modifica: 1 Agosto 2013
  3. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
  4. Evalax

    Evalax In(DIE)tollerante

    30 Agosto 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Terra di Mosconi
    Bellissimo :D Altro che GTA V :p
  5. RAMIREZ!doEverything!

    RAMIREZ!doEverything! (almostEverything!IcannotUseDisqus!)

    28 Giugno 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Minas Morgul
    Deep Down la butta sull'online?

  6. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Outcast devs form Daoka, will build new games in series

    New studio 'Daoka' developing new Outcast games
    Developers from AMA Studios and Appeal, the team responsible for the 1999 PC game Outcast, have started a new studio called Daoka, based in Belgium. Daoka has been working on a game for two years already, set to launch on next-gen consoles in the "near future."

    The team will also work on games in the Outcast franchise. The original developers of Outcast – Yann Robert, Franck Sauer and Yves Grolet – recently bought the IP from Atari for a "revival of the franchise," and they are working with Daoka to make this happen.

    Outcast is a sci-fi adventure set in the distant, wild future of 2007, starring former Navy SEAL Cutter Slade as he travels with a group of scientists to another dimension to stop a black hole from forming. You know, the sort of stuff that happens all the time in the 21st century.
  7. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Microsoft Confirms That Windows 8 Apps Run On Xbox One?

    It seems that you may be able to run Windows 8 apps on your Xbox One according to an advertising document from Microsoft.


    untitled60ulr Microsoft Confirms That Windows 8 Apps Run On Xbox One?
    According to a Microsoft Advertising presentation screenshot which talks about new ways to advertise on the platform, there is a slide that states that there is ”Shared code with Windows Phone 8 and Xbox One”. With this statement it could be possible that we might see apps available on Windows 8 running on Windows Phone and the Xbox One.

    Whether this compatibility will range from all the apps in the app store to just a select few is still up in the air however this is still an exciting possibility.

    You can view the full presentation here however its in German, so your going to need to learn the German language… or use Google Translate.
  8. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    A titolo informativo segnalo che è stato rilasciato The Drowning per iOS ed è gratis!
  9. Evalax

    Evalax In(DIE)tollerante

    30 Agosto 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Terra di Mosconi
    Non un MMO per favore :(
  10. Evalax

    Evalax In(DIE)tollerante

    30 Agosto 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Terra di Mosconi
    Nuovo lavoro del Cliff :D


    Hype :)
    A Seba piace questo elemento.
  11. RAMIREZ!doEverything!

    RAMIREZ!doEverything! (almostEverything!IcannotUseDisqus!)

    28 Giugno 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Minas Morgul
    PS4 playable at Eurogamer Expo 2013, initial software line-up revealed

    The Evil Within’s Mikami intrigued by Kinect and Xbox One’s controller tech

    Vg247 riporta anche questa precisazione:
    Deep Down PC

    A sto punto mi viene naturale pensare che ci sia uno spiraglio per X1
  12. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    You Can Use Video Capture Devices On Xbox One. But What About PS4?

    Xbox One users will be able to use third-party capture cards and devices to record gameplay video just as they did on the Xbox 360, Microsoft has told us. This is in addition to the built-in capture feature the company has announced for their next-gen console. But what about the PS4?

    While the PS4 has its own internal capture and streaming to Ustream services, there's no word yet on whether Sony's next console will have HDCP regulations, like its predecessor does. PS3 users were able to bypass HDCP by connecting their capture devices through component cables, but the PS4 only has one HDMI port. If HDCP is indeed in place on the console—thereby rendering any outside capture cards and devices ineffective on the console—this could spell problems for the world of eSports and YouTube content creators.

    On the other hand, here's the official word from Microsoft:

    Xbox One will support gameplay footage capture just as it works on Xbox 360.
    That means Xbox One users won't be limited to the time restrictions on the console's built-in capture application. And they'll have all the freedoms afforded to them by being able to capture and tinker with post-production.

    In the video above I explain more about these freedoms and what the potential damage could be to content creators if the PS4 has HDCP regulations without any sort of accommodations for alternative methods of capture outside of their native features.

    We've reached out to Sony and will update this post should they respond.

    Preso da Kotaku, qui articolo e video

  13. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:

    Multipiattaforma completo?

    The Witness, la nuova avventura-puzzle in stile Myst in sviluppo da parte di Jonathan Blow, l'autore dell'apprezzatissimo Braid, sembra sia destinata infine ad arrivare anche su Xbox One.

    Il gioco è stato presentato come esclusiva temporale per PlayStation 4 proprio durante la presentazione della console Sony, e nonostante fosse chiaro fin dall'inizio che sarebbe arrivato anche su PC e iOS, le esternazioni dello sviluppatore erano state finora talmente allineate dalla parte di PlayStation 4 da far pensare che questa sarebbe stata l'unica piattaforma console next gen a riceverlo.

    Eppure, ecco cosa ha scritto Blow su Twitter qualche giorno fa: "Quando la versione Xbox One di The Witness uscirà, ai fanboy di internet esploderà la testa, o qualcosa del genere". A parte il possibile trolling in corso, sembra proprio che The Witness sia previsto anche su Xbox One.
  14. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Shinji Mikami: il Kinect e il controller di Xbox One sono molto interessanti

    Shinji Mikami ha recentemente dichiarato di essere molto interessato alle nuove possibilità offerte dal nuovo sensore kinect e dal controller di Xbox One per il titolo horror The Evil Within:

    " Se questo nuovo sensore sarà talmente potente da catturare le espressioni facciali allora le cose si farebbero davvero interessanti e potrei pensare di utilizzarlo. Per quanto riguarda invece il nuovo controller di Xbox One credo che cercherò di sfruttare al meglio le nuove sensazioni che questo riesce a trasmettere al giocatore."
    Data di uscita: TBA 2014
  15. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    F1 2013 is getting rid of Online Pass requirements

    F1 2013 won't require an Online Pass to access multiplayer, according to a post on publisher Codemasters' official blog.

    Last year's entry in the series had a VIP Pass that locked online functionality; this year Codemasters confirmed this system has been dropped in an FAQ on the site. "No you do not need a VIP/Online pass to play online," reads a statement from the site.

    F1 2013 is slated to launch Oct. 8 in North America on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC.
  16. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:

    Activision criticises "immature, whiny a**holes" who threaten COD devs

    Activision community manager Dan Amrich criticises Black Ops II players sending threats of violence to Treyarch developers following Black Ops II patch.
    Activision community manager Dan Amrich has appealed to members of the Call of Duty community who verbally insult and threaten its developers over social media.

    Amrich's blog post stems from the fallout following the game's latest balance patch, which reduced the rate of fire on the DSR 50 and Ballista and nerfed the damage on the AN-94.

    Following the balance changes, Treyarch studio design director David Vonderhaar--one of the most recognisable faces at the studio--took to Twitter to say that the changes weren't worth the threats of violence he was receiving.

    "The DSR fire time was 0.2 seconds. It's now 0.4 seconds," he said. "The rechamber time was 1.0 seconds. It's now 1.1 seconds."

    "Not sure these fractions of seconds are worth the threats of violence," added Vonderhaar.

    Writing on his blog, Amrich said that Vonderhaar "often gets told he should die in a fire or kill himself or is a horrible person. If anybody thinks for a second that this is okay, it is not. But if the loudest voices in the Call of Duty 'community' act like an angry mob instead, guess how the entire world views Call of Duty? Now consider that these Internet Tough Guy rants and demands are not unique to COD, but exist everywhere, in many gaming communities. This is why the world often does not take gaming seriously; this is why gamers are assumed to be immature, whiny a**holes. Because the immature, whiny a**holes are louder."

    "The fact that [Vonderhaar] focuses on the useful feedback, puts that intel to good use fixing the problem, and doesn't irrationally lash out at the immature, whiny a**holes is amazing."

    "Role-play this for a second. When you make a mistake--because you do, we all do--or someone finds something wrong with something that you created, whether it be a meal or driving instructions or even a blog post, how would you prefer to find out that there is an issue? Would you like someone to just say, 'Hey, I noticed this and I think it's not quite right; are you seeing what I see?' Or would you react better to having someone scream in your face that since your mother didn't have an abortion, you should commit suicide instead? This is not the way to show a developer that what they do matters to you. Not at all."

    "If you enjoy your games, have a little respect for the people who make them--and stop threatening them with bodily harm every time they do their job."
  17. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
  18. luis27409

    luis27409 Guest

    Edit......I wrong forum......I thought that to be on italian forum.......sorry for my english.........
    A nick69 e Deadly Fagilo piace questo messaggio.
  19. Kassandro

    Kassandro GBU Giga Banned User

    19 Settembre 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cantù Che Conta
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    A Stepet82 piace questo elemento.
  20. Seba

    Seba Tribe Active Member

    30 Novembre 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
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    ho visto che è già stato postato da Nick ma nessuno si caga la news.come mai?

    mica roba da poco eh!
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