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[Thread Ufficiale] Waiting For PS4 & Xbox One

Discussione in 'Discussioni Generali sulle Console' iniziata da rewrew, 13 Giugno 2013.


Quale acquisterai?

  1. Xbox One

    17 valutazioni
  2. PS4

    63 valutazioni
  3. WiiU

    5 valutazioni
  4. Rimarrò ancora per un po' all'attuale gen.

    36 valutazioni
  5. Le prendo tutte!

    3 valutazioni
  6. PS4 e Xbox One

    5 valutazioni
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  1. Seba

    Seba Tribe Active Member

    30 Novembre 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    PSN Tag:
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    Nintendo Network ID:
    forse non hai letto bene...non fa la ricerca di un gioco,ma da quanto ho capito fa la ricerca di più giochi.
    come mai questo astio?
    a me sembra un aggiornamento del live molto valido,no?
    che ha di cosi discustoso?
  2. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ti ripeto vai sul sito ufficiale e leggi tu stesso (non parlo di siti alla cazzo ma proprio xbox.com).L'astio non nasce dal servizio in se ma da quello che scrivono.Sembra che chi pianifichi le cose abbia litigato con chi deve riportarle al pubblico/utenti.C'è ancora un caos allucinante tra il dire e il fare.
  3. Seba

    Seba Tribe Active Member

    30 Novembre 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    PSN Tag:
    Xbox Live Tag:
    Nintendo Network ID:
  4. dafe

    dafe Tribe Member

    31 Agosto 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Questa console war mi sembra l'ultima campagna elettorale delle politiche...Pdl e PD e sappiamo tutti come è andata a finire...non ho capito ancora bene chi è chi però..se il pdl la xbox o la ps4....
  5. Fifù

    Fifù Tribe Member

    26 Febbraio 2013
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ragazzi, in giro ho visto WiiU basic a 170 euro e la premium a 220. :-O
    A MmK83 piace questo elemento.
  6. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Microsoft Xbox One’s Ability To Run WinRT Apps Confirmed Via Leaked Code?


    We have seen many rumors and reports in the past that Microsoft will enable WinRT apps to run on Xbox One. It is almost confirmed today by the code leak by superdae. The image above shows the supposedly leaked copy of Homefront 2 for Xbox One source code file list. As you can see, it has AppxManifest.xml file that indicates us that it is a WinRT app. Windows 8 apps in Windows Store has similar file arrangement. And DurangoConfig.xml and DurangoLauncher.exe could be the files used by Xbox One to launch these kind of new apps.

    Microsoft is still maintaining the silence about the details on the 3rd party app/games development in Xbox One. But they last week confirmed that self publishing is coming to Xbox One.

    Our vision is that every person can be a creator. That every Xbox One can be used for development. That every game and experience can take advantage of all of the features of Xbox One and Xbox LIVE. This means self-publishing. This means Kinect, the cloud, achievements. This means great discoverability on Xbox LIVE. We’ll have more details on the program and the timeline at Gamescom in August.

    If Microsoft enables WinRT apps on Xbox One, developers will love it! Windows 8, Xbox One and soon Windows Phone will run same code across devices.
  7. RAMIREZ!doEverything!

    RAMIREZ!doEverything! (almostEverything!IcannotUseDisqus!)

    28 Giugno 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Minas Morgul
    Un seguito next-gen per Bully?
    Rockstar rinnova il marchio sull'originale aprendo nuovi rumor.

    A MmK83 e Evalax piace questo messaggio.
  8. RAMIREZ!doEverything!

    RAMIREZ!doEverything! (almostEverything!IcannotUseDisqus!)

    28 Giugno 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Minas Morgul
    Xbox One: Microsoft looking into bundled headsets, third-party adapter confirmed

    Quindi, stanno lavorando sul bundle delle cuffie e l'adattatore oppure stanno lavorando al bundle delle cuffie o l'adattatore?

    Lo sapremo nella prossima puntata :asd:
  9. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
  10. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    ....Per poi subito giocare" la frase la interpreto che quando la stanza è pronta posso subito giocare passando velocemente da quello che stavo facendo in attesa che la stanza si rendesse disponibile alla partita
    A MmK83 piace questo elemento.
  11. Evalax

    Evalax In(DIE)tollerante

    30 Agosto 2011
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Terra di Mosconi
    Magari :sbav: Ho adorato quel gioco :)
    A kennuz piace questo elemento.
  12. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Nintendo posts quarterly profit despite terrible Wii U sales

    Nintendo posted a return to positive results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2013, despite poor worldwide sales of Wii U hardware, the company said today in its fiscal earnings.

    Results in both ordinary and net incomes saw 14.8 billion yen ($150 million) and 8.6 billion yen ($877 million), respectively, for the first quarter ended June 30, 2013. The company reported net sales of 81.5 billion yen ($831 million), where overseas sales contributed to 63.7 percent of that figure, with 51.9 billion yen ($530 million).

    Wii U sales still have a "negative impact" on its profits, Nintendo reports. Only 160,00 Wii U units were sold worldwide for the quarter: 90,000 in Japan, 60,000 in North America and 10,000 in Europe and Australia. 1.03 million Wii U games were sold within the three month period. According to the company, revenue from downloadable digital content increased by nearly 150 percent over the same period last year.

    An operating loss of 4.9 billion yen ($500 million) was attributed to greater 3DS promotion overseas to increase sales and research and development for Wii U games.

    For the quarter, sales of both 3DS hardware and software saw an increase of 12 percent and 10 percent worldwide, respectively, compared to the same quarter last year. 11 million units of 3DS software and 1.4 million units 3DS hardware were sold globally.

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf sold more than 1.54 million units worldwide for the quarter, with 1.19 million of those units were sold outside of Japan. Tomodachi Collection moved 1.39 million units in sales. The worldwide unit sales of Released in March, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon sold 1.43 million units worldwide and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D "has been well received."
  13. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Yep...la cosa figa è la frase "Smart Match utilizza algoritmi avanzati per abbinare giocatori in base all'abilità, alla lingua e ora anche alla reputazione".COD Black Ops 1 eseguiva infatti la ricerca delle partite in base alla lingua invece che al ping (come tutti gli altri cod,già nel 2010).Cmq nel complesso lingua e alla abilità il live lo fa già ora :asd:...la verà novità è solo la reputazione (tramite il nuovo sistema di feedback degli utenti).Io di mio continuo a sostenere che il sistema di feedback è completamente sbagliato.Il sistema non puo basarsi sui soli voti degli utenti perchè l'utente medio è un rosiker per natura.In cod non immaginate quante volte ho sentito in chat la frase "nel dubbio...lo segnalo".
    Purtroppo è innegabile che sono allo sbando.Non so se avete dato un occhiata alla funzione di "ambasciatori" sul live.Il loro scopo è quello di aiutare la community tramite un bot di skype che attiva le assistenze automaticamente tra sito xbox e voi stessi (ricevendo in cambio nei livelli più avanzati soldi da spendere sul live aggiunti alla vostra gamertag) sostituendosi ai moderatori dei forum o alla assistenza vera e propria.Non credo ci voglio un occhio da "Sonaro" per capire che stanno alla frutta con metodi del genere.

    L'unica cosa che da speranza in quella frase del sito ufficiale è il disegno.Non so se avete notato c'è un pallino verde proprio sull'italia (sembrerebbe Roma).Che sia la volta buona che i server li mettono in italia e non in belgio? (vedi bf) :asd:
    Ultima modifica: 31 Luglio 2013
  14. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Credo che sto giro con One bisogna controllare dove sono posti fisicamente i server di Azure e dove metteranno gli altri miliaia che hanno promesso per capire come sono messi con il nuovo Live.
    Non volgio dire caxxate ma mi sembra che quell'immagine sia cambiata prima aveva meno pallini verdi e uno era posto sul giappone
    Ultima modifica: 31 Luglio 2013
  15. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Il disegno non credo sia sbagliato.Fa riflettere.Seguendo i punti :

    Stati uniti = Las Vegas
    Messico = Monterry
    Brasile = Porto National
    Italia = Roma
    UK = Londra
    Russia = Krasnoyark (in modo da coprire anche parte dall'asia...grande assente del live)
    Australia = Newman
    Nuova Zelanda = Wellington

    Tutte città che o sono evolute per linee (internet) o centrali geograficamente parlando.
    Io di mio non ho mai creduto ( e continio a non credere) nei 300 mila server fisici ma credo invece nelle 300 mila istanze (cosa molto diversa).
  16. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Non è sbagliato ma il disegno è cambiato mi ricordo che c'erano meno luoghi e in più il giappone...per i server fisicamente qualcosa in più dovranno mettere perche Azure esiste già da anni con i suoi servizi e qualcosa dovranno fare per adeguarsi all'aumento degli utilizzatori...per ora negli ultimi mesi i server di Azure sono aumentati negli States e in Australia a leggere le news vecchie

    Trovata la vecchia immagine, prima era pubblicata questa

    A MmK83 piace questo elemento.
  17. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Figa meno luoghi?Sono 8 punti in tutto il mondo e ne hanno aggiornati con meno?Geniale!
    Il giappone credo sia una cosa proprio a se steante per il live (senza contare che ho sentito che la One uscirà in ritardo quindi credo sia per quello che non viene riportato dal disegno).Ho un amico giappo sul live che gioca (udite udite) a cod (nn immaginate quanto rosiko che lui dal jap pinga 2 tacche e io italiano 3 :| cmq...) mi ha detto che per giocare a cod trovando partite decenti ha dovuto creare la gamertag con profilo fake uk.Quesot per dire che credo che il jap sia proprio una cosa a se stante nel live.

    EDIT = Ah intendevi che era vecchia quella in passato...Ok capito :asd:
    Ultima modifica: 31 Luglio 2013
  18. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xbox One is designed to be always-on for 10 years

    New development hardware also reveals that it's near-silent a lot of the time.
    Durango no more. This ASCII-inspired image is actually a close-up of a photo of an Xbox One dev kit boot screen, hailing from April/May before the console was renamed.

    Inside sources at Microsoft have spoken to Digital Foundry about why the Xbox One hardware is so large, and what the tangible benefits of the larger footprint are for the user.

    Our information suggests the Xbox One design is based on an ambitious brief, essentially impossible to test in anything resembling real-life conditions, and so the company played it safe, putting unit reliability first. A highly placed source says that the console has been designed with a ten-year lifecycle in mind and that it is designed to be switched on for that entire period.

    What's more, during that time it needs to operate almost silently in order to earn its place in the living room. It's a unique hardware challenge, and so the company opted for a large design where heat dissipation comes first. Microsoft's engineers are also aware that the company's reputation for quality hardware is still in the balance after the Red Ring of Death Xbox 360 build quality fiasco, which cost the company over a billion dollars.

    The net result is a relatively voluminous piece of console hardware, which may take up a fair amount of room in the lounge but has tangible benefits for gamers to make up for its imposing presence.

    Microsoft has not released any official specifications on the dimensions of the final box, but extrapolating from the sizes of known components (principally the USB port), Xbox One is approximately 34x26x8cm - more set-top box than console, and noticeably larger than the launch version of the Xbox 360.

    Despite the near-final hardware present at E3, the conditions made it impossible for the any kind of audio testing to be carried out on-site, but developers working with the hardware tell us that in its idle and low-activity states, the unit is entirely silent and you can barely feel any heat being output from the unit's vents.

    Indeed, we're told by one development source that prototype versions of the hardware - which use the same chassis as the final retail unit - didn't have working power lights, and that it was almost impossible to tell whether the console was in operation or not unless it was hooked up to a display. It's a claim we're looking forward to testing when we're hands-on with the console.

    "Developers working with the hardware tell us that in its idle and low-activity states, the unit is entirely silent and that you can barely feel any heat being output from the unit's exhaust vents."
    Wired's photography of the Xbox One internals shows that airflow won't be a problem. Clearly some level of investment has gone into the cooling assembly for the AMD processor - the fan seems to be almost as large as the slot-loading Blu-ray drive.
    Our sources say that Xbox One is expected to remain almost entirely silent in standby and during its media functions, with fan noise only noticeable during gaming when the AMD processor is really being put through its paces.

    Even here, we should prepare for a much more pleasant aural experience compared to the current-gen consoles - and not just because the optical drive will be inactive during gameplay. Wired's internal photography of the Xbox One (above) reveals a decent-quality heat sink (note the copper heat pipes) and a relatively large fan. The larger the blades of the fan, the slower they need to spin in order to displace the same amount of air as a smaller fan, meaning a quieter unit.

    Also consider the technological make-up of the AMD processor. The closest match we have in terms of PC hardware to the Xbox One graphics core is the Radeon HD 7790, which draws 85W at peak. The Xbox One version runs at lower frequencies and has two fewer compute units. AMD's Jaguar CPU architecture is also highly energy efficient - it's designed with tablets in mind. Even factoring in the DDR3, ESRAM and custom silicon, we should expect see a complete system power draw that's a world away from the 'power at all costs' approach to the launch versions of the Xbox 360 and PS3, which used in the region of 170-200W.

    To illustrate just how far power efficiency has come since the current-gen consoles arrived, our "target Xbox One" PC test rig with an overclocked 4.3GHz i7 and underclocked Radeon HD 7850, consumed 220-230W playing Crysis 3.

    Perhaps the Xbox One's power efficiency sounds too good to be true, especially when rumours not so long ago painted a very different picture of hot and loud Durango development hardware. Our sources concur that the February/March dev kits were indeed very loud indeed, but it wasn't due to over-heating - quite the opposite in fact. The thermal control algorithm - which monitors the heat output of the major chips on the motherboard and adjusts fan speed accordingly - simply wasn't implemented in the developing OS, and so to avoid damaging the hardware, the fans were set to 100 per cent all the time. This was resolved by a software update back in March that brought Xbox One to its current stealth-like state, and our understanding is that final development hardware - which is a complete match for retail silicon - started rolling out to developers early in July and remains extremely quiet.

    The ASCII-inspired Durango logo you see on this page - which presents when the development hardware boots - has been swapped out for the Xbox One logo in the new development hardware, accompanied by a very 360-like animation. The launcher screen you see here has also changed beyond recognition.

    A sneak peek at the launcher screen from an Xbox One (then 'Durango') dev kit, with a couple of edits to anonymise the image. We see account sign-in, settings and account picker options alongside Internet Explorer. The less obvious selectables are for the Pixie performance analysis tool and a bunch of Kinect stuff. These consist of what is probably a firmware update for the camera, the general debug NuiView which displays the various Kinect feeds and finally VgbView which shows camera inputs and skeletal tracking.

    Meanwhile, the background Xbox One software is nearing completion, and one of the key goals is making gameplay extremely fast to access. In an internal post-mortem of the Xbox 360 that helped shape the direction of Xbox One, one of the key problems Microsoft engineers wanted to address was the lack of immediacy in current-gen console gameplay, where even the most family-friendly titles can take up to three minutes to load. A key plus point mobile games hold over console is the speed with which casual users can play, and it's an advantage that next-gen console is going to have trouble competing with.

    Despite moving away from optical discs and onto hard drive for games, filling up multiple gigs with data is still going to take time. We're told that addressing load times is a key concern, but another approach is to retain game states in RAM while the unit is inactive, similar to the way that you can return to a PS Vita game days after you last played it. The entire contents of the memory are preserved, and the unit wakes up immediately, allowing you to dive back into the game.

    It's an approach that PS4 also utilises, but our Microsoft sources genuinely believe that the TV integration elements set it apart, and that once you have experienced what it's capable of you can never go back. Instant restart is a key feature, but in the here and now we can't help remaining unconvinced about the focus on the TV integration elements of the Xbox One operating system.

    Our sources suggest that internally there is a great deal of frustration within Microsoft that the message about instant access never got across, and that the focus now is on Gamescom in August to get it right.
  19. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cuffie no! se hai quelle della 360 compri l'adattatore....da Eurogamer...poi domani è un'altro giorno :asd:

    Microsoft confirms Xbox One adaptor for Xbox 360 headsets
    Will be sold separately.

    Microsoft has confirmed that it will release an Xbox 360 headset adaptor for use with Xbox One.

    The company previously announced that it had changed the audio input port to a proprietary jack for its upcoming console, a move which leaves current headsets incompatible. The company then said that it was "working to develop" an adaptor.

    "We will have an adapter that allows current gaming headsets to work," Microsoft marketing exec Albert Penello confirmed on Twitter (thanks, X360A).

    The device will be sold separately from Xbox One consoles, Penello added. "It's an accessory," he described.

    Alternatively you could buy a shiny new Xbox One headset. These will also be sold separately.

    Microsoft isn't including a headset with Xbox One as you can use the included Kinect sensor to chat instead, the company previously reasoned.

    PlayStation 4 continues to use the standard headphone jack in the console, and comes with a standard mono earpiece in the box.
  20. Seba

    Seba Tribe Active Member

    30 Novembre 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    PSN Tag:
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    Nintendo Network ID:
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