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[Thread Ufficiale] Waiting For PS4 & Xbox One

Discussione in 'Discussioni Generali sulle Console' iniziata da rewrew, 13 Giugno 2013.


Quale acquisterai?

  1. Xbox One

    17 valutazioni
  2. PS4

    63 valutazioni
  3. WiiU

    5 valutazioni
  4. Rimarrò ancora per un po' all'attuale gen.

    36 valutazioni
  5. Le prendo tutte!

    3 valutazioni
  6. PS4 e Xbox One

    5 valutazioni
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  1. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Xbox One and PS4 graphics and performance discussed

    This holiday season, “Call of Duty” is going next-gen. Not only is “Call of Duty: Ghosts” equipped with an all-new engine, but the title will be released on Xbox One and PS4. Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin shared new details on June 11 concerning the visuals and game performance of “Call of Duty: Ghosts” on Xbox One and PS4.

    While talking with EuroGamer, Mark Rubin confirmed that “Call of Duty: Ghosts” will run at 1080p on Xbox One and PS4. Rubin later confirmed that “Ghosts” will also be running at 60FPS on all platforms – a longtime series standard.

    “We’re always so focused there anyway,” he said. “It maybe wasn’t a challenge as it is for some people. For us it’s so ingrained in the way we make our games that it just happens that way. We have a game that runs at 60 frames a second, we start putting stuff in and if something starts to affect that we’ll either tweak it or take it out," Rubin shared.

    He continued to add that, "the console versions are still in severe development, but it looks good so far. We actually have a 4K TV at work and got the game running on that. It looks phenomenal. The 4K TVs have a max hertz of 30, so we’re maxing it out. It looks amazing!"

    Although the company has achieved 1080p at 60fps on Xbox One and PS4, Rubin stated that fun – not technical features – remains Infinity Ward’s primary focus when it comes to “Call of Duty: Ghosts.”

    The extra power of Xbox One and PS4 has allowed Infinity Ward to do new things with the game’s AI. Though no exact details are given, Rubin says that the team is now able to make new and interesting situation they couldn’t before.

    "But the next-gen consoles do allow us to do some things with AI. It's more situational than just saying AI in general - that's such a blanket term. We're able to create more new and interesting situations that maybe we haven't seen before."

    “Call of Duty: Ghosts” will be released on PS4, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC this Nov. – a Wii U version remains unconfirmed.
  2. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Se ho capito la vera grafica nextgen di cod non è quella mostrata all'e3. Lo spero per loro.
  3. Ciscopunk

    Ciscopunk Habemus Papam

    22 Agosto 2005
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Il paese delle teste quadrate -TN-
    Io ho capito una cosa da questo E3 ,sia che si scelga l'una o l'altra, saranno ottime macchine da gioco :asd:
  4. alexdm83

    alexdm83 Tribe Newbie

    27 Settembre 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ma la Ps3 che giorno di dicembre dovrebbe uscire ?
  5. Lunedì Settordici.
    A MmK83, glenkocco e boxaro95 piace questo elemento.
  6. Sid

    Sid Tribe Active Member

    16 Novembre 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Chi ha visto una volta il cielo di Palermo...
    PSN Tag:
    Mah... La x1 non mi sembra attualmente un ottima macchina da gioco con tutte ste paranoie e limitazioni
  7. Per visualizzare questo contenuto è necessario accettare i cookie con finalità di marketing.

    Se è davvero in-game (e non in-engine) come ha uno sviluppatore italiano che lavoro al progetto e che la grafica nel giocato sarà effettivamente di quella qualità saranno cacchi amari :asd:
    A kennuz piace questo elemento.
  8. Si vocifera di una ND verso il terzo team o_O
  9. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
  10. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Continuo a trovare le stesse affermazioni di Phil Spencer di Microsoft sui dieci familiari, nessun limite, puoi cambiare i mebri della lista, tutti i giochi acquistati possono essere condivisi, unico limite un solo giocatore per volta può utilizzare quella licenza.
  11. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cliffy B: Numbers Don’t Work to Allow Used Games, “Disc Based Day one $60 Model is Crumbling”

    June 12, 2013

    The announcement that the PS4 would allow used games (at least to the extent the PS3 does) brought roars from the audience, and ‘won’ the conference online. But serial contrarian and Gears of War guy Cliff Bleszinski has come out in defense of blocking used games, something the Xbox One does. And to think we called him hot.

    He said:

    You cannot have game and marketing budgets this high while also having used and rental games existing. The numbers do NOT work people.

    The visual fidelity and feature sets we expect from games now come with sky high costs. Assasins Creed games are made by thousands of devs.

    Newsflash. This is why you’re seeing free to play and microtransactions everywhere. The disc based day one $60 model is crumbling.

    Earlier saying:

    If you can afford high speed internet and you can’t get it where you live direct your rage at who is responsible for pipe blocking you.


    I’d bet Sony has some similar stuff up their sleeves they’re just playing on the internet outrage for free PR. You’re all being played!

    Deal with it.
  12. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Imho sto personaggio hanno fatto bene a cacciarlo da Epic :asd:.Vuole giustificare la presenza del cloud paragonandola ai video che scattano in streaming (nel senso che non è colpa dello straming ma della nostra linea).Ma la mia domanda è : se lo sapete perchè lo state facendo? :asd:
    Ultima modifica: 14 Giugno 2013
    A Stepet82 e boxaro95 piace questo messaggio.
  13. boxaro95

    boxaro95 PokéFan

    4 Agosto 2009
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Che schifo :asd: MS mi stà disgustando..e detto da me è grave...
    A Stepet82 e Evalax piace questo messaggio.
  14. Sid

    Sid Tribe Active Member

    16 Novembre 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Chi ha visto una volta il cielo di Palermo...
    PSN Tag:
    Vabbe pure cliff ci si mette... Che dichiarazioni stupide!
  15. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Questo è scritto da un pinco pallino su un forum inglese, non ha tutti i torti secondo me, MS sta rischiando veramente il brand Xbox con un azzardo...ma mi sa che nell'ultimo periodo lo sta faccendo con tutti i suoi prodotti....è iniziato il suicidio di MS?...i geni sono considerati tali se gli va bene altrimenti sono considerati dei folli.

    Used Games -- Microsoft's big risk.... or best weapon?

    Microsoft have clearly taken a huge risk by bringing in a used-games policy. It is one of the bigger reasons why people are angry because used-game sales are clearly going to be restricted and this (along with higher price and other small issues) could lead to PlayStation 4 pushing ahead with sales in the first 12 months. Microsoft are going to struggle a bit if this issue is as big an issue to the consumer as many predict......


    They could, if they manage to hold on (and there is a chance with their resources and brand) turn it around into one of the biggest weapons in their arsenal..... not to begin with for sure, but in the 2nd or 3rd year of the console life.


    Because they know deep down that gamers want to play the best games available. And that the whole "best experience" means a lot to gamers. It is the reason why Xbox360 and Xbox Live has been a huge success, so quickly for them.
    Ok, so PS4 is technically more powerful out of the box and it is cheaper with its own branch of exclusives, so to begin with PS4 may have a clear edge..... but further down the line and provided they have a huge amount of unit sales, Microsoft can start putting leverage on the gamer and pressuring them into owning an Xbox One..... all because of the used games policy.


    Because once you have enough units sold, and a lot of people playing on the Xbox One, you start to put pressure on the game developers. You turn to the bigger companies like Activision and EA, and you show them how many games are being bought full price on the Xbox One (to which the developer/publisher takes a percentage of each sale) and then you show them how many game sales were through pre-owned methods (which because of DRM will show how many games are played second-hand.). You also point out that not only are pre-owned sales down and first-hand game sales are up (unlike with the PS4) but also point out that the publisher/developer are making a small % of revenue from each pre-owned sale too..... again, something that is unlikely to occur via a PS4 pre-owned game sale.

    What will this do?

    It will make the developers/publishers look at their own sales figures and targets and then compare them to the Playstation 4 and PC. And what will happen is something that has already happened in the current generation..... publishers will start to slowly shun the systems with the poorest overall sales.
    In this generation it was the PC that has lost out due to the sheer amount of piracy that has occurred. Developers are not keen on working, only to see 4 in every 5 copies be played for free and because the PS3/Xbox 360 offered a more secure and harder to pirate system they were guaranteed of getting more money from these systems, and as such they spent more time, money and in some cases exclusivity on these systems than on the PC.

    Roll on to the next generation and they will do the same, and they will see how the Xbox One is forcibly increasing full game sales and heavily limiting the $0 revenue of pre-owned sales (or indeed allowing them to profit from them), and they will compare them to the PS4 and see how Sony favours the gamer (a person who wants the best, by paying them the least) and not the developer.

    So what will they do?

    They will not abandon the PS4 entirely, that would be ridiculous considering the system will be in the hands of millions of people. But what it will do is make the publisher's shareholders want the bigger slice of the profits. They will push for more DLC content come out on the Xbox One, either time-limited exclusive or completely exclusive. They will dedicate staff to the Xbox One version over the PS4 version as they need to make sure its polished enough to sell heavily on that system because of the high profit margins. Eventually they may actually get the odd indie developer looking at the two consoles and decide that if the sales stats are heavily in favour of the Xbox One making significantly more first-hand sales compared to the PS4's pre-owned market, they may consider the PS4 not worth their limited resources to develop a multi-platform for..... why allow the PS4 to give away their game for free (via eBay/pre-owned sales) and therefore people choose to not buy it on the Xbox One where the profits lay?
    Once publishers see $$$'s they will know which direction to head in, and Xbox One will get more and more content, while developers will be pushed into finding more and more devious ways of hampering PS4 pre-owned sales via whatever method completely ruins the experience of owning a pre-owned game on that platform.

    What about the fact Microsoft is allowing pre-owned sales through official outlets? Doesn't that negate the theory?

    To begin with yes, but in the long run no, because allowing Microsoft to dictate which outlets may sell Xbox One pre-owned sales, it effectively makes them the puppet-master of pre-owned games. Game retailers will soon understand (through the promise of bulk discounts, stock levels and even the threat of cancelling the official pre-owned retailer contract) that they have to follow what Microsoft tell them. And what Microsoft will tell them is to take it easy at first, sell pre-owned games fairly cheap and hassle free for gamers so they soon forget the hysteria and hype of the policy and get on board to owning the console.
    Then later on they will start to dictate pricing structures for pre-owned games so that first, pre-owned sales are only 25% cheaper than full-price, and that the licence rights to sell pre-owned games force the retailer to distribute a 30% share of the pre-owned sale to be split between Microsoft/Developer. This will make sure that not only are they limiting pre-owned sales, but they are also allowing the publisher/developer a share of the pre-owned profits, something that Sony are not willing to offer with their policy.

    So will gamers accept this?

    No.... they will make a fuss and argue and say that PS4 is the way to go. But over time, if Microsoft's plan to lure and woo developers with this increase in profits works for them, slowly and surely gamers will head towards the Xbox One to find the best games, the extra DLC, the exclusive content and so on. In an ideal Microsoft world, 4 years down the line the latest Call Of Duty, Grand Theft Auto and Fifa games will ONLY appear on Xbox One simply because no matter if it sells first-hand or pre-owned, the publisher/developer will profit highly off the back of it, and the PS4 will be neglected due to poor first-hand sales and far too high loss-making pre-owned sales.

    Will it be a quick turnaround?

    No.... if they play the card perfect it could be done in 12-18 months of launch, but it is more than likely they need to build a gaming audience and some serious sales figures to really persuade the bigger publishing houses to lend primary support to the Xbox One, and that could take a good 2-3 years or more before they can consider the strategy a success. It may even take a couple more years on top of that to really push the biggest franchises to completely give up development for the rival. It would all come down to the development costs compared to the sales earnings from the platform.

    Is it guaranteed to succeed for Microsoft?

    No.... they could find the opposite happens and that this policy pushes far too many gamers towards the PS4. Add to it the fact both machines are out at a similar time this generation and a massive deficit in the two system's prices when people do not have the money for these types of expensive luxuries, and people may literally do a Wii-U and abandon the new console in such high numbers developers see 10 million PS4 owners (even with high pre-owned sales earnings at $0) as a much better business opportunity than 2 million Xbox One owners (even with higher full game sales)..... and they may end up go in the opposite direction concentrating on PS4 instead. There is every chance that no matter how hard they push it, people still keep buying PS4 and developers still see huge $$$'s in the PS4 regardless.

    Can Sony defend against it?

    Yes.... they can bring in their own policy for pre-owned games, and already they have changed their official line from E3, changing it from "No DRM/pre-owned policy" to a noticeable "DRM/Pre-Owned is in the hands of the individual developers!". With several more months and analysing what Microsoft are doing they may even drop the policy completely and introduce a similar strategy to Microsoft, believing that it has plenty to gain and little to lose by following Microsoft's stance. The only issue they have is that Microsoft appear to have developed their policy into the machine from the off, whereas PS4 will have to implement it post-release which may throw up complications.
    But if Sony do bring in their own policy it may annoy gamers who felt they were lied to, or it may defeat Microsoft's plans of dominating the pre-owned market and manipulating publishers.

    So will it work or not?

    At the end of the day it IS a hugely risky strategy designed to control the pre-owned markets to flatter and profit the publishers and developers. If they can weather the initial 12 month storm and statistics prove that their control of the pre-owned market is working and game sale profits are really high then it will definitely influence developers in such the same way they proved console sales (and lack of piracy) was a better option than PC sales and the developers will jump into bed with them bringing fanatical gamers to tag along.
    But if they make mistakes, control the pre-owned pricing structure too heavily, artificially inflate pre-owned prices too quickly, encounter a Sony changing tact and using a similar strategy or they fail to do what the ultimate goal is and sway the publishers/developers into flying the Xbox flag........ it could be the demise of the successful Xbox brand!
    Ultima modifica: 14 Giugno 2013
  16. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    La stesse lamentele e discussioni sul cloud l'ho lette e sentite, ero riluttante anch'io non mi potevo permettere neanche l'isdn, quando nel 2002 creò Xbox Live con la Xbox...tre anni dopo naque la 360....il resto lo sapete...e anche allora internet ad alta velocità era per pochi

    In ogni caso ho finito di fare i D1 sto giro aspetto, tanto sono apposto e decidero quando tutto sara nero su bianco e le console di una fazione o dell'altra garantiranno anche l'affidabilità!
    Ultima modifica: 14 Giugno 2013
  17. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    GameStop mi ha detto che secondo il loro sistema uscirà lo stesso giorno di x1, cioè a novembre, il 21 mi pare. Su internet si vocifera inizio dicembre. In realtà una data esatta ancora non c'è.
  18. Kassandro

    Kassandro GBU Giga Banned User

    19 Settembre 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cantù Che Conta
    PSN Tag:
    Peter Moore, COO di Electronic Arts, ha confermato a GTTV che tutti i video gameplay di Battlefield 4 mostrati durante l'E3 2013 girano su PC. Sì, compresi quelli della conferenza di Microsoft e Xbox One.

    Il PC in questione è stato assemblato con le stesse specifiche della console next-gen del colosso di Redmond.

    "Noi tutti", ha spiegato Moore, "abbiamo tra le mani solo i dev kit della console, non c'è ancora l'hardware finale e non ci sarà ancora per molto tempo, ma le specifiche dell'hardware PC che stavamo usando sono le stesse della next-gen".

    A MmK83 piace questo elemento.
  19. Kassandro

    Kassandro GBU Giga Banned User

    19 Settembre 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cantù Che Conta
    PSN Tag:
    Peter Molyneux, celebre game designer e fondatore di 22Cans, ha espresso la sua opinione sulle conferenze di Sony e Microsoft di questo E3 2013.

    "Sony e Microsoft reagiscono alla strategia della concorrente", ha detto Molyneux a GamesIndustry. "Lasciano che l'altro definisca la loro strategia. A me, come acquirente, non importa nulla. La cosa importante sono i giochi e il loro potere di convincermi a spendere 500 dollari per la console, o 400 nel caso di Sony".

    Posizione chiarissima anche per quanto riguarda l'always online: "Credo che il tutto sia stato fatto in modo poco professionale, con messaggi prima da Phil Spencer e poi Phil Harrison. Sempre online è un concetto semplice per me. Mostratemi i vantaggi di essere sempre connesso e non avrò problemi, al momento la cosa serve solo per l'autenticazione dei giochi e non mi interessa".
    A MmK83, Stepet82, Coin-op e 1 altro utente piace questo messaggio.
  20. adenosina

    adenosina Tribe Active Member

    25 Febbraio 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Bhe alla fine questo punto di vista riassume un po tutte le critiche rivolte verso ms, è vero che la maggioranza di noi quando gioca è sempre online, ma cio non toglie che se per una mia necessità o per cause maggiori non ho una connessione a disposizione non possa giocare a mio piacimento ad un gioco e con una console pagata con pecunia sonante.... almeno abbiate il buon gusto di mettere una pezza a colori decente piuttosto che sparare minchiate a raffica o uscendovene con dichiarazioni infelici come quella di prendere una 360 se non si vuole essere costantemente online
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