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Guida per creare AVCHD con TSMuxeR: da MKV (con video H264 e audio AC3) a M2TS

Discussione in 'PS3 Multimedia e Dashboard' iniziata da geronimo73, 28 Dicembre 2007.

  1. goalstorm

    goalstorm Tribe Newbie

    4 Maggio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Allora riprovato, ma nulla, reinstallato da capo rispuntate le opzioni ma nulla.
    Ecco il log:

    [21:46:57] Processing 2 titles...
    [21:46:57] Existing D:\AVCHD Film\AVCHD\ cannot be used as destination folder!
    [21:46:57] Output will be written to: D:\AVCHD Film\AVCHD-20110402-214657
    [21:46:57] Processing (C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\Uj8DzaCrNQs5aOsNLLc13\iruasonid80ep1.mkv)...
    [21:47:03] Detected frame reference count: 4 (max:4).
    [21:47:03] Detected video: ID#1:V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC 1920x1080, fps=24.969, ref=4
    [21:47:03] Detected subtitles: ID#4:S_TEXT/UTF8 Language: ita
    [21:47:03] Detected subtitles: ID#5:S_TEXT/UTF8 Language: eng
    [21:47:03] Detected audio: ID#2:A_AC3 (48000Hz 6ch 640kbps) Language: ita
    [21:47:03] Attempting to convert A_AC3 audio track #2...
    [21:47:03] Encoding A_AC3 to AC3...
    [21:48:37] Audio encoded to AC3 successfully!
    [21:48:37] Added audio: A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110402\iruasonid80ep1.t2.ac3", lang=ita
    [21:48:37] Detected audio: ID#3:A_AC3 (48000Hz 6ch 640kbps) Language: eng
    [21:48:37] Attempting to convert A_AC3 audio track #3...
    [21:48:37] Encoding A_AC3 to AC3...
    [21:50:11] Audio encoded to AC3 successfully!
    [21:50:11] Added audio: A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110402\iruasonid80ep1.t3.ac3", lang=eng
    [21:50:11] Extracting SRT/SSA/VOBSUB subtitle tracks.
    [21:50:11] Plase wait - it may take a while!
    [21:51:06] Converting to SRT/PGS...
    [21:51:06] Converting TEXT subtitles to PGS/SUP...
    [21:51:06] [iruasonid80ep1.extr.004.ita.srt]
    [21:51:06] Processing may take some time, so be patient!
    [21:51:06] Advanced subtitle processing (step 1)...
    [21:51:06] Fast mode enabled (1696x304 @ 24.969 fps with 112px margins)...
    [21:52:27] Advanced subtitle processing (step 2)...
    [21:53:56] *** Imported subpictures: 684/684
    [21:53:56] Conversion successful...
    [21:53:56] Adding external subtitles (iruasonid80ep1.extr.004.ita.srt) (ita)
    [21:53:56] Converting TEXT subtitles to PGS/SUP...
    [21:53:56] [iruasonid80ep1.extr.005.eng.srt]
    [21:53:56] Processing may take some time, so be patient!
    [21:53:56] Advanced subtitle processing (step 1)...
    [21:53:56] Fast mode enabled (1696x304 @ 24.969 fps with 112px margins)...
    [21:55:17] Advanced subtitle processing (step 2)...
    [21:56:45] *** Imported subpictures: 679/679
    [21:56:45] Conversion successful...
    [21:56:45] Adding external subtitles (iruasonid80ep1.extr.005.eng.srt) (eng)
    [21:56:45] M2TS stream split set at 2000MiB...
    [21:56:45] Creating clip and playlist info (tsMuxeR)...

    tsMuxeR (Version 1.10.6) output:
    Decoding H264 stream (track 1): Profile: High@4.1 Resolution: 1920:1080p Frame rate: 90000
    Change H264 level from 4.1 to 4.1
    H.264 manual setted fps not equal stream fps. Change H.264 fps from 90000 to 24.969
    H264 bitstream changed: insert nal unit delimiters
    H264 bitstream changed: insert pict timing and buffering period SEI units
    Decoding AC3 stream (track 2): Bitrate: 384Kbps Sample Rate: 48KHz Channels: 6
    Decoding AC3 stream (track 3): Bitrate: 384Kbps Sample Rate: 48KHz Channels: 6
    Decoding PGS stream (track 4): Resolution: 1920:1080 Frame rate: 23.976
    Change FPS from 23.976 to 24.969 for PGS stream #4
    Decoding PGS stream (track 5): Resolution: 1920:1080 Frame rate: 23.976
    Change FPS from 23.976 to 24.969 for PGS stream #5
    B-pyramid level 1 detected. Shift DTS to 2 frames

    tsMuxeR meta:
    MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid --new-audio-pes --blu-ray --vbr --custom-chapters=00:00:00.000;00:47:02.639 --split-size=2000MiB --vbv-len=500
    V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC, "C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\Uj8DzaCrNQs5aOsNLLc13\iruasonid80ep1.mkv", insertSEI, contSPS, track=1, lang=eng, level=4.1, fps=24.969
    A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110402\iruasonid80ep1.t2.ac3", lang=ita
    A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110402\iruasonid80ep1.t3.ac3", lang=eng
    S_HDMV/PGS, "c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110402\srt-460421.ita.sup", lang=ita, fps=24.969
    S_HDMV/PGS, "c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110402\srt-630088.eng.sup", lang=eng, fps=24.969
    [21:56:45] Important files missing (clpi/mpls/m2ts)...
    [21:56:45] Possible tsMuxeR failure to process your input file (C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\Uj8DzaCrNQs5aOsNLLc13\iruasonid80ep1.mkv).
    [21:56:45] M2TS (media) file count: 1
    [21:56:45] CLPI (clipinfo) file count: 0
    [21:56:45] MPLS (playlist) file count: 0

    [21:56:45] Skipping to next...

    [21:56:45] Processing (C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\AI9q6hR3EPbrBB2Ds6c2\iruasonid80ep2.mkv)...
    [21:56:46] Detected frame reference count: 4 (max:4).
    [21:56:46] Detected video: ID#1:V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC 1920x1080, fps=24.965, ref=4
    [21:56:46] Detected subtitles: ID#4:S_TEXT/UTF8 Language: ita
    [21:56:46] Detected subtitles: ID#5:S_TEXT/UTF8 Language: eng
    [21:56:46] Detected audio: ID#2:A_AC3 (48000Hz 6ch 640kbps) Language: ita
    [21:56:46] Attempting to convert A_AC3 audio track #2...
    [21:56:46] Encoding A_AC3 to AC3...
    [21:58:19] Audio encoded to AC3 successfully!
    [21:58:19] Added audio: A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110402\iruasonid80ep2.t2.ac3", lang=ita
    [21:58:19] Detected audio: ID#3:A_AC3 (48000Hz 6ch 640kbps) Language: eng
    [21:58:19] Attempting to convert A_AC3 audio track #3...
    [21:58:19] Encoding A_AC3 to AC3...
    [22:00:16] Audio encoded to AC3 successfully!
    [22:00:16] Added audio: A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110402\iruasonid80ep2.t3.ac3", lang=eng
    [22:00:16] Extracting SRT/SSA/VOBSUB subtitle tracks.
    [22:00:16] Plase wait - it may take a while!
    [22:01:24] Converting to SRT/PGS...
    [22:01:24] Converting TEXT subtitles to PGS/SUP...
    [22:01:24] [iruasonid80ep2.extr.004.ita.srt]
    [22:01:24] Processing may take some time, so be patient!
    [22:01:24] Advanced subtitle processing (step 1)...
    [22:01:24] Fast mode enabled (1696x304 @ 24.965 fps with 112px margins)...
    [22:02:41] Advanced subtitle processing (step 2)...
    [22:04:05] *** Imported subpictures: 654/654
    [22:04:05] Conversion successful...
    [22:04:05] Adding external subtitles (iruasonid80ep2.extr.004.ita.srt) (ita)
    [22:04:05] Converting TEXT subtitles to PGS/SUP...
    [22:04:05] [iruasonid80ep2.extr.005.eng.srt]
    [22:04:05] Processing may take some time, so be patient!
    [22:04:05] Advanced subtitle processing (step 1)...
    [22:04:05] Fast mode enabled (1696x304 @ 24.965 fps with 112px margins)...
    [22:05:20] Advanced subtitle processing (step 2)...
    [22:06:42] *** Imported subpictures: 637/637
    [22:06:42] Conversion successful...
    [22:06:42] Adding external subtitles (iruasonid80ep2.extr.005.eng.srt) (eng)
    [22:06:42] M2TS stream split set at 2000MiB...
    [22:06:42] Creating clip and playlist info (tsMuxeR)...

    tsMuxeR (Version 1.10.6) output:
    Decoding H264 stream (track 1): Profile: High@4.1 Resolution: 1920:1080p Frame rate: 90000
    Change H264 level from 4.1 to 4.1
    H.264 manual setted fps not equal stream fps. Change H.264 fps from 90000 to 24.965
    H264 bitstream changed: insert nal unit delimiters
    H264 bitstream changed: insert pict timing and buffering period SEI units
    Decoding AC3 stream (track 2): Bitrate: 384Kbps Sample Rate: 48KHz Channels: 6
    Decoding AC3 stream (track 3): Bitrate: 384Kbps Sample Rate: 48KHz Channels: 6
    Decoding PGS stream (track 4): Resolution: 1920:1080 Frame rate: 23.976
    Change FPS from 23.976 to 24.965 for PGS stream #4
    Decoding PGS stream (track 5): Resolution: 1920:1080 Frame rate: 23.976
    Change FPS from 23.976 to 24.965 for PGS stream #5
    B-pyramid level 1 detected. Shift DTS to 2 frames

    tsMuxeR meta:
    MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid --new-audio-pes --blu-ray --vbr --custom-chapters=00:00:00.000;00:47:36.120 --split-size=2000MiB --vbv-len=500
    V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC, "C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\AI9q6hR3EPbrBB2Ds6c2\iruasonid80ep2.mkv", insertSEI, contSPS, track=1, lang=eng, level=4.1, fps=24.965
    A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110402\iruasonid80ep2.t2.ac3", lang=ita
    A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110402\iruasonid80ep2.t3.ac3", lang=eng
    S_HDMV/PGS, "c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110402\srt-1074238.ita.sup", lang=ita, fps=24.965
    S_HDMV/PGS, "c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110402\srt-1233718.eng.sup", lang=eng, fps=24.965
    [22:06:43] Important files missing (clpi/mpls/m2ts)...
    [22:06:43] Possible tsMuxeR failure to process your input file (C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\AI9q6hR3EPbrBB2Ds6c2\iruasonid80ep2.mkv).
    [22:06:43] M2TS (media) file count: 1
    [22:06:43] CLPI (clipinfo) file count: 0
    [22:06:43] MPLS (playlist) file count: 0

    [22:06:43] Skipping to next...

    [22:06:43] ERROR: Compilation does not contain any HD-DVD/AVCHD/Blu-ray titles!

    [22:06:43] Preparing menu pages...
    [22:06:43] Setting main menu for 0 titles...
    [22:06:43] Selected TV system: [PAL]
    [22:06:46] Done!

    Compilation summary:
    Format: Playstation 3 (USB/SDHC/MS)
    Name : multiAVCHD
    Output size : 0 MiB (0 GiB)

    [22:06:46] Warnings/errors for this compilation: 2
    [22:06:46] D:\AVCHD Film\AVCHD-20110402-214657 folder created (AVCHD/Blu-ray output)!
    [22:06:46] Copy D:\AVCHD Film\AVCHD-20110402-214657 to root of USB stick/disk or MemoryStick card or to X:\PRIVATE\ of SDHC/SD/MMC card and rename to AVCHD!
    [22:06:48] You may now remove temp folder (c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110402\).

    [22:06:48] multiAVCHD finished in 1190.553 seconds (00:19:50.553)!

    [22:06:48] End of log.
  2. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    E' proprio TsMuxer che non va, prova a sostituire l'exe con una versione più nuova. Io ora provo a muxare un file con questa versione 770, vediamo non sia un bug di questa.
    Cmq elimina tutto il contenuto dentro AVCHD Film, hai molti risultati vuoti ormai. Che poi la cosa strana è che non manca l'M2TS, ma il clip info e la playlist, solitamente è il contrario...

    EDIT: allora ho appena muxato con successo un MKV con ref frames non compliant senza nessun problema. Dato che sembra essere proprio TsMuxer il problema nel tuo log, metti l'ultima versione e vediamo se va, sembra che l'ultima versione corregga anche i NAL (il problema dei nuovi MKV Merge), quindi non ci saranno nemmeno più errori per quello.

    Fammi sapere
    Ultima modifica: 3 Aprile 2011
  3. goalstorm

    goalstorm Tribe Newbie

    4 Maggio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    ....???.....??.......? cioè?
  4. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Sostituisci TsMuxer con l'ultima versione disponibile e riprova, mi raccomando togli la spunta da use "eac3to", altrimenti ti ricodifica l'audio come nel tuo ultimo log.
  5. goalstorm

    goalstorm Tribe Newbie

    4 Maggio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    fatto, ma nisba ecco il log::dunno::pret3n::disappointed:

    [17:38:13] Processing 2 titles...
    [17:38:13] Existing D:\AVCHD Film\AVCHD\ cannot be used as destination folder!
    [17:38:13] Output will be written to: D:\AVCHD Film\AVCHD-20110403-173813
    [17:38:13] Processing (C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\Uj8DzaCrNQs5aOsNLLc13\iruasonid80ep1.mkv)...
    [17:38:14] Detected frame reference count: 4 (max:4).
    [17:38:14] Detected video: ID#1:V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC 1920x1080, fps=24.969, ref=4
    [17:38:14] Detected subtitles: ID#4:S_TEXT/UTF8 Language: ita
    [17:38:14] Detected subtitles: ID#5:S_TEXT/UTF8 Language: eng
    [17:38:14] Detected audio: ID#2:A_AC3 (48000Hz 6ch 640kbps) Language: ita
    [17:38:14] Attempting to convert A_AC3 audio track #2...
    [17:38:14] Encoding A_AC3 to AC3...
    [17:40:03] Audio encoded to AC3 successfully!
    [17:40:03] Added audio: A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110403\iruasonid80ep1.t2.ac3", lang=ita
    [17:40:03] Detected audio: ID#3:A_AC3 (48000Hz 6ch 640kbps) Language: eng
    [17:40:03] Attempting to convert A_AC3 audio track #3...
    [17:40:03] Encoding A_AC3 to AC3...
    [17:41:55] Audio encoded to AC3 successfully!
    [17:41:55] Added audio: A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110403\iruasonid80ep1.t3.ac3", lang=eng
    [17:41:55] Extracting SRT/SSA/VOBSUB subtitle tracks.
    [17:41:55] Plase wait - it may take a while!
    [17:42:55] Converting to SRT/PGS...
    [17:42:55] Converting TEXT subtitles to PGS/SUP...
    [17:42:55] [iruasonid80ep1.extr.004.ita.srt]
    [17:42:55] Processing may take some time, so be patient!
    [17:42:55] Advanced subtitle processing (step 1)...
    [17:42:55] Fast mode enabled (1696x304 @ 24.969 fps with 112px margins)...
    [17:44:17] Advanced subtitle processing (step 2)...
    [17:45:47] *** Imported subpictures: 684/684
    [17:45:47] Conversion successful...
    [17:45:47] Adding external subtitles (iruasonid80ep1.extr.004.ita.srt) (ita)
    [17:45:47] Converting TEXT subtitles to PGS/SUP...
    [17:45:47] [iruasonid80ep1.extr.005.eng.srt]
    [17:45:47] Processing may take some time, so be patient!
    [17:45:47] Advanced subtitle processing (step 1)...
    [17:45:47] Fast mode enabled (1696x304 @ 24.969 fps with 112px margins)...
    [17:47:08] Advanced subtitle processing (step 2)...
    [17:48:37] *** Imported subpictures: 679/679
    [17:48:37] Conversion successful...
    [17:48:37] Adding external subtitles (iruasonid80ep1.extr.005.eng.srt) (eng)
    [17:48:37] M2TS stream split set at 2000MiB...
    [17:48:37] Creating clip and playlist info (tsMuxeR)...

    tsMuxeR (Version 1.10.6) output:
    Decoding H264 stream (track 1): Profile: High@4.1 Resolution: 1920:1080p Frame rate: 90000
    Change H264 level from 4.1 to 4.1
    H.264 manual setted fps not equal stream fps. Change H.264 fps from 90000 to 24.969
    H264 bitstream changed: insert nal unit delimiters
    H264 bitstream changed: insert pict timing and buffering period SEI units
    Decoding AC3 stream (track 2): Bitrate: 384Kbps Sample Rate: 48KHz Channels: 6
    Decoding AC3 stream (track 3): Bitrate: 384Kbps Sample Rate: 48KHz Channels: 6
    Decoding PGS stream (track 4): Resolution: 1920:1080 Frame rate: 23.976
    Change FPS from 23.976 to 24.969 for PGS stream #4
    Decoding PGS stream (track 5): Resolution: 1920:1080 Frame rate: 23.976
    Change FPS from 23.976 to 24.969 for PGS stream #5
    B-pyramid level 1 detected. Shift DTS to 2 frames

    tsMuxeR meta:
    MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid --new-audio-pes --blu-ray --vbr --custom-chapters=00:00:00.000;00:47:02.639 --split-size=2000MiB --vbv-len=500
    V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC, "C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\Uj8DzaCrNQs5aOsNLLc13\iruasonid80ep1.mkv", insertSEI, contSPS, track=1, lang=eng, level=4.1, fps=24.969
    A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110403\iruasonid80ep1.t2.ac3", lang=ita
    A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110403\iruasonid80ep1.t3.ac3", lang=eng
    S_HDMV/PGS, "c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110403\srt-29851352.ita.sup", lang=ita, fps=24.969
    S_HDMV/PGS, "c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110403\srt-30023016.eng.sup", lang=eng, fps=24.969
    [17:48:44] Important files missing (clpi/mpls/m2ts)...
    [17:48:44] Possible tsMuxeR failure to process your input file (C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\Uj8DzaCrNQs5aOsNLLc13\iruasonid80ep1.mkv).
    [17:48:44] M2TS (media) file count: 1
    [17:48:44] CLPI (clipinfo) file count: 0
    [17:48:44] MPLS (playlist) file count: 0

    [17:48:44] Skipping to next...

    [17:48:44] Processing (C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\AI9q6hR3EPbrBB2Ds6c2\iruasonid80ep2.mkv)...
    [17:48:45] Detected frame reference count: 4 (max:4).
    [17:48:45] Detected video: ID#1:V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC 1920x1080, fps=24.965, ref=4
    [17:48:45] Detected subtitles: ID#4:S_TEXT/UTF8 Language: ita
    [17:48:45] Detected subtitles: ID#5:S_TEXT/UTF8 Language: eng
    [17:48:45] Detected audio: ID#2:A_AC3 (48000Hz 6ch 640kbps) Language: ita
    [17:48:45] Attempting to convert A_AC3 audio track #2...
    [17:48:45] Encoding A_AC3 to AC3...
    [17:50:22] Audio encoded to AC3 successfully!
    [17:50:22] Added audio: A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110403\iruasonid80ep2.t2.ac3", lang=ita
    [17:50:22] Detected audio: ID#3:A_AC3 (48000Hz 6ch 640kbps) Language: eng
    [17:50:22] Attempting to convert A_AC3 audio track #3...
    [17:50:22] Encoding A_AC3 to AC3...
    [17:51:57] Audio encoded to AC3 successfully!
    [17:51:57] Added audio: A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110403\iruasonid80ep2.t3.ac3", lang=eng
    [17:51:57] Extracting SRT/SSA/VOBSUB subtitle tracks.
    [17:51:57] Plase wait - it may take a while!
    [17:52:55] Converting to SRT/PGS...
    [17:52:55] Converting TEXT subtitles to PGS/SUP...
    [17:52:55] [iruasonid80ep2.extr.004.ita.srt]
    [17:52:55] Processing may take some time, so be patient!
    [17:52:55] Advanced subtitle processing (step 1)...
    [17:52:56] Fast mode enabled (1696x304 @ 24.965 fps with 112px margins)...
    [17:54:11] Advanced subtitle processing (step 2)...
    [17:55:36] *** Imported subpictures: 654/654
    [17:55:36] Conversion successful...
    [17:55:36] Adding external subtitles (iruasonid80ep2.extr.004.ita.srt) (ita)
    [17:55:36] Converting TEXT subtitles to PGS/SUP...
    [17:55:36] [iruasonid80ep2.extr.005.eng.srt]
    [17:55:36] Processing may take some time, so be patient!
    [17:55:36] Advanced subtitle processing (step 1)...
    [17:55:36] Fast mode enabled (1696x304 @ 24.965 fps with 112px margins)...
    [17:56:52] Advanced subtitle processing (step 2)...
    [17:58:14] *** Imported subpictures: 637/637
    [17:58:14] Conversion successful...
    [17:58:14] Adding external subtitles (iruasonid80ep2.extr.005.eng.srt) (eng)
    [17:58:14] M2TS stream split set at 2000MiB...
    [17:58:14] Creating clip and playlist info (tsMuxeR)...

    tsMuxeR (Version 1.10.6) output:
    Decoding H264 stream (track 1): Profile: High@4.1 Resolution: 1920:1080p Frame rate: 90000
    Change H264 level from 4.1 to 4.1
    H.264 manual setted fps not equal stream fps. Change H.264 fps from 90000 to 24.965
    H264 bitstream changed: insert nal unit delimiters
    H264 bitstream changed: insert pict timing and buffering period SEI units
    Decoding AC3 stream (track 2): Bitrate: 384Kbps Sample Rate: 48KHz Channels: 6
    Decoding AC3 stream (track 3): Bitrate: 384Kbps Sample Rate: 48KHz Channels: 6
    Decoding PGS stream (track 4): Resolution: 1920:1080 Frame rate: 23.976
    Change FPS from 23.976 to 24.965 for PGS stream #4
    Decoding PGS stream (track 5): Resolution: 1920:1080 Frame rate: 23.976
    Change FPS from 23.976 to 24.965 for PGS stream #5
    B-pyramid level 1 detected. Shift DTS to 2 frames

    tsMuxeR meta:
    MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid --new-audio-pes --blu-ray --vbr --custom-chapters=00:00:00.000;00:47:36.120 --split-size=2000MiB --vbv-len=500
    V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC, "C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\AI9q6hR3EPbrBB2Ds6c2\iruasonid80ep2.mkv", insertSEI, contSPS, track=1, lang=eng, level=4.1, fps=24.965
    A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110403\iruasonid80ep2.t2.ac3", lang=ita
    A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20110403\iruasonid80ep2.t3.ac3", lang=eng
    S_HDMV/PGS, "c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110403\srt-30445966.ita.sup", lang=ita, fps=24.965
    S_HDMV/PGS, "c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110403\srt-30606553.eng.sup", lang=eng, fps=24.965
    [17:58:15] Important files missing (clpi/mpls/m2ts)...
    [17:58:15] Possible tsMuxeR failure to process your input file (C:\Users\AnDoKiPa\Downloads\AI9q6hR3EPbrBB2Ds6c2\iruasonid80ep2.mkv).
    [17:58:15] M2TS (media) file count: 1
    [17:58:15] CLPI (clipinfo) file count: 0
    [17:58:15] MPLS (playlist) file count: 0

    [17:58:15] Skipping to next...

    [17:58:15] ERROR: Compilation does not contain any HD-DVD/AVCHD/Blu-ray titles!

    [17:58:15] Preparing menu pages...
    [17:58:15] Setting main menu for 0 titles...
    [17:58:15] Selected TV system: [PAL]
    [17:58:18] Done!

    Compilation summary:
    Format: Playstation 3 (USB/SDHC/MS)
    Name : multiAVCHD
    Output size : 0 MiB (0 GiB)

    [17:58:18] Warnings/errors for this compilation: 2
    [17:58:18] D:\AVCHD Film\AVCHD-20110403-173813 folder created (AVCHD/Blu-ray output)!
    [17:58:18] Copy D:\AVCHD Film\AVCHD-20110403-173813 to root of USB stick/disk or MemoryStick card or to X:\PRIVATE\ of SDHC/SD/MMC card and rename to AVCHD!
    [17:58:20] You may now remove temp folder (c:\multiAVCHD\_TEMP\multiTEMP-20110403\).

    [17:58:20] multiAVCHD finished in 1206.73 seconds (00:20:06.729)!

    [17:58:20] End of log.
  6. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Il problema allora deve essere riconducibile al video, quindi prova a ricodificare con XviD4PSP o ad usare metodi alternativi per muxare in AVCHD (TsMuxer standalone ad esempio)
  7. Morrison88

    Morrison88 Tribe Member

    21 Marzo 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Atessa (CH)
    salve, non so se qualcuno mi può aiutare ma ho un problema con un paio di film in MKV, io utilizzo tsmuxer e fino a oggi mai nessun problema, in poche parole una volta muxati li passo su ps3 tramite hardisk esterno, appena partono video e suono dopo un secondo si bloccano e sembra anche che il video vada velocissimo, credo che sia un problema di framerate perchè nella casella degli fps me ne da 90000 invece in tutti gli altri film erano sempre 24000, questi sono i dati di uno dei due film, metto solo uno perchè hanno lo stesso problema
    Nome: Skyline (2010).mkv
    Data: 22/04/2011 12:21:26
    Dimensione: 12,074,648,807 bytes (11515.282 MB)

    [ Info generiche ]

    Durata: 01:32:37 (5557.248 s)
    Tipo di contenitore: matroska
    Data creazione: 22/04/2011 11:16:19 UTC
    Streams totali: 5
    Tipo stream n. 1: video (V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC) {Skyline – WWW.FILM-MKV.COM}
    Tipo stream n. 2: audio (A_DTS) {Italiano DTS}
    Tipo stream n. 3: audio (A_AC3) {Italiano AC3}
    Tipo stream n. 4: audio (A_AC3) {English AC3}
    Tipo stream n. 5: subtitle (S_TEXT/UTF8) {Italiano}
    Audio streams: 3
    Muxing Application: libebml v0.8.0 + libmatroska v0.9.0
    Writing Application: mkvmerge v3.4.0 (‘Rapunzel’) built on May 15 2010 09:38:20

    [ Dati rilevanti ]

    Risoluzione: 1920 x 800
    Larghezza: multipla di 32
    Altezza: multipla di 32
    DRF medio: 18.471949
    Deviazione standard: 0.613596
    Media pesata dev. std.: 0.598537

    Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
    Risoluzione: 1920 x 800
    Frame aspect ratio: 12:5 = 2.4
    Pixel aspect ratio: 191:192 = 0.994791
    Display aspect ratio: 191:80 = 2.3875
    Framerate: 23.999818 fps
    Stream size: 10,783,053,130 bytes
    Durata: 01:32:37 (5557.041922 s)
    Bitrate: 15523.443272 kbps
    Qf: 0.421103

    Codec ID: A_DTS
    Canali (contenitore): 6
    Frequenza: 48000 Hz
    Stream size: 533,494,784 bytes
    Bitrate (contenitore): 767.998525 kbps

    Codec ID: A_AC3
    Canali (contenitore): 6
    Frequenza: 48000 Hz
    Stream size: 444,579,840 bytes
    Bitrate (contenitore): 640 kbps
    AC-3 frames: 173664
    Durata: 01:32:37 (5557.248 s)
    Bitrate (bitstream): 640 kbps CBR
    Mode: 3 front, 2 rear, 1 LFE

    Codec ID: A_AC3
    Canali (contenitore): 6
    Frequenza: 48000 Hz
    Stream size: 311,204,096 bytes
    Bitrate (contenitore): 447.997420 kbps
    AC-3 frames: 173663
    Durata: 01:32:37 (5557.216 s)
    Bitrate (bitstream): 448 kbps CBR
    Mode: 3 front, 2 rear, 1 LFE

    [ Info sulla codifica H.264 ]

    User data: x264
    User data: core 105 r1724 b02df7b
    User data: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec
    User data: Copyleft 2003-2010
    User data: http://www.videolan.org/x264.html
    User data: cabac=1
    User data: ref=4
    User data: deblock=1:-3:-3
    User data: analyse=0×3:0×113
    User data: me=umh
    User data: subme=7
    User data: psy=1
    User data: psy_rd=1.00:0.00
    User data: mixed_ref=1
    User data: me_range=32
    User data: chroma_me=1
    User data: trellis=1
    User data: 8x8dct=1
    User data: cqm=0
    User data: deadzone=21,11
    User data: fast_pskip=1
    User data: chroma_qp_offset=-2
    User data: threads=12
    User data: sliced_threads=0
    User data: nr=0
    User data: decimate=1
    User data: interlaced=0
    User data: constrained_intra=0
    User data: bframes=3
    User data: b_pyramid=2
    User data: b_adapt=2
    User data: b_bias=0
    User data: direct=1
    User data: weightb=1
    User data: open_gop=0
    User data: weightp=2
    User data: keyint=240
    User data: keyint_min=23
    User data: scenecut=40
    User data: intra_refresh=0
    User data: rc_lookahead=50
    User data: rc=2pass
    User data: mbtree=1
    User data: bitrate=15521
    User data: ratetol=1.0
    User data: qcomp=0.60
    User data: qpmin=10
    User data: qpmax=51
    User data: qpstep=4
    User data: cplxblur=20.0
    User data: qblur=0.5
    User data: ip_ratio=1.40
    User data: aq=1:1.00
    SPS id: 0
    Profile: High@L4.1
    Num ref frames: 4
    Aspect ratio: Custom pixel shape (191:192 = 0.994791)
    Chroma format idc: YUV 4:2:0
    PPS id: 0 (SPS: 0)
    Codifica entropica: CABAC
    Weighted prediction: P slices – explicit weighted prediction
    Weighted bipred idc: B slices – implicit weighted prediction
    8x8dct: Sì
    Frames totali: 133368
    Drop/delay frames: 0
    Frames corrotti: 0

    P-slices: 42472 ( 31.846 %) ########
    B-slices: 89730 ( 67.280 %) #################
    I-slices: 1166 ( 0.874 %)
    SP-slices: 0 ( 0.000 %)
    SI-slices: 0 ( 0.000 %)

    [ Analisi DRF ]

    DRF medio: 18.471949
    Deviazione standard: 0.613596
    DRF max: 24

    DRF<16: 0 ( 0.000 %)
    DRF=16: 156 ( 0.117 %)
    DRF=17: 839 ( 0.629 %)
    DRF=18: 74692 ( 56.004 %) ##############
    DRF=19: 51983 ( 38.977 %) ##########
    DRF=20: 5015 ( 3.760 %) #
    DRF=21: 666 ( 0.499 %)
    DRF=22: 8 ( 0.006 %)
    DRF=23: 3 ( 0.002 %)
    DRF=24: 6 ( 0.004 %)
    DRF>24: 0 ( 0.000 %)

    P-slices DRF medio: 18.455194
    P-slices deviazione std.: 0.585719
    P-slices DRF max: 24

    B-slices DRF medio: 18.498317
    B-slices deviazione std.: 0.603901
    B-slices DRF max: 24

    I-slices DRF medio: 17.053173
    I-slices deviazione std.: 0.652678
    I-slices DRF max: 24

    [ Profile compliancy ]

    Profilo da testare: MTK PAL
    Risoluzione: 1920 x 800 > 720 x 576
    Framerate: 23.999818 <> 25
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:48 (frame 1157)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:49 (frame 1164)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:49 (frame 1170)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:49 (frame 1176)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:49 (frame 1183)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:50 (frame 1189)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:50 (frame 1194)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:50 (frame 1200)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:50 (frame 1205)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:50 (frame 1211)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:51 (frame 1217)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:51 (frame 1223)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:51 (frame 1229)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:51 (frame 1235)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:52 (frame 1240)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:52 (frame 1246)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:52 (frame 1251)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:52 (frame 1257)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:53 (frame 1262)
    Buffer underflow: 00:00:53 (frame 1268)
    Errore: Troppe violazioni
  8. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    TsMuxer ha alcuni problemi con i framerate non standard, quello è 23.9998 mentre solitamente è 23.976, cmq prova a cambiarlo usando TsMuxer stesso, altrimenti prova ad usare MultiAVCHD, mettendo la spunta sulle opzioni per il cambio di framerate (apply PAL speed up to NTSC content) e fa tutto da solo.
  9. Lucio_91

    Lucio_91 Tribe Member

    19 Gennaio 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    ciao a tutti
    allora il mio problema è simile a questo: http://forum.console-tribe.com/ps3-multimedia-e-dashboard/t-dialoghi-film-non-si-sentono-chi-mi-aiuta-279999.html
    nel mio caso i dialoghi si sentono, ma nelle scene d'azione il volume dell'ambiente aumenta notevolmente superando quello dei dialoghi....

    avete qualche idea su come diminuire questa differenza di volume?
    magari un programma per trasformare l'ac3 in un formato audio ideale per gli altoparlanti della tv?
    grazie anticipatamente ;D
  10. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ciao, non avevo visto il tuo post. Purtroppo il tuo problema è un classico dei film, il volume degli effetti supera quello del parlato e quindi non si sente nulla se non diventando sordi :asd: la cosa è ottima al cinema dove il volume è altissimo e quindi non si notano le differenze, ma a casa è un po' un problema, soprattutto se si guarda la TV la sera.
  11. leopitto

    leopitto Tribe Member

    20 Febbraio 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ciao a tutti ragazzi, ho convertito un video .mkv in .m2ts con tsMuxeR, impostando fps=25 ed il livello a 4.1 (altrimenti non si sincornizzava l'audio col video). Il problema è che quando tento di riprodurlo sulla PS3 (tramite server multimediale di Windows Media Player) (per poi poterlo copiare direttamente nell' hard disk internto) si sente solo l' audio, e lo schermo rimane nero. Come posso risolvere?
  12. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ricodificando, purtroppo, lo schermo nero è uno dei problemi classici degli MKV con video non compatibile con la nostra PS3.
  13. leopitto

    leopitto Tribe Member

    20 Febbraio 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    in che modo ricodifico?
  14. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Prima usavo XviD4PSP che è ottimo, ma proprio ottimo, ma molto lento, però da poco ho scoperto HandBrake, molto buono come qualità e tempi un po' più contenuti (sono passato da 7 ore a 4 con un dual core mobile da 2.1GHz) esce in MP4 (formato compatibile con PS3) ma dopo la conversione nessuno ti vieta di passarlo con MultiAVCHD in AVCHD, appunto.
    Usarlo è facile, usi i dati in prima pagina per b-pyramid e ref-frames e poi come qualità metti qf 21.
  15. murolo

    murolo Tribe Newbie

    27 Novembre 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    salve. ho un problema, ho impiantato una traccia audio in aac in italiano in un film blurayrip con audio in tedesco. ho impostato il fps a 25 e il daily a 0; il level è a 4.1. l'audio parte sincronizzato per circa 50 minuti di fil e poi va fuori sincrono. cosa posso fare? grazie.
  16. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Se è sincronizzato per 50 minuti vuol dire che c'è qualche cosa di diverso nelle due versioni (facile perchè i prodotti venduti in Germania vengono spesso tagliati o modificati, perchè è presente una forte censura per rimuovere varie cose che potrebbero ricordare il nazismo e menate varie) quindi devi modificare la traccia audio per tornare in sincronia. Per fare ciò apri l'audio con un programma tipo Audacity che ti permette di vedere lo "spettro" della traccia e poi le posizioni in modo da farle combaciare all'inizio, una volta fatto vai ai 50 minuti fatidici e controlli se c'è un rumore forte o qualcosa che potresti identificare nelle vicinanze e devi cercare di farle combaciare in qualche modo (casomai inserendo un silenzio nella traccia italiana o tagliandolo per renderlo meno lungo in corrispondenza dei corrispettivi della traccia tedesca).
    Più di così non so aiutarti, non ho mai dovuto fare una cosa del genere, una volta ho cercato il modo ma ho abbandonato per la mia pigrizia.
  17. slksurf

    slksurf Tribe Newbie

    30 Novembre 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ho avuto problemi con un altro mkv.

    Quando cerco di creare l'AVCHD con Multiavchd, TsMuxer va in crash.

    Secondo me e' un problema di ref. frames troppo alti.
    In alcuni post addietro si accennava alla possibilita' di diminuirli, senza ricodifica, con HandBrake. Ho fatto varie prove, ma ricodifica sempre tutto.

    In ogni caso di seguito riporto il rapporto:

    Generic infos

    Duration 01:27:49 (5268.733 s)
    Container matroska
    Production date Mon, 12 Sep 2011 23:31:34 +0200
    Total tracks 3
    Track nr. 1 video (V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC) {eng}
    Track nr. 2 audio (A_AC3) [Ita AC3] {ita}
    Track nr. 3 audio (A_AC3) [Eng AC3] {eng}
    Muxing library libebml v1.2.1 + libmatroska v1.1.1
    Writing application mkvmerge v4.9.1 ('Ich will') compilato con Jul 11 2011 23:53:15

    Relevant data

    Resolution 1280 x 532
    Width multiple of 32
    Height multiple of 4

    Video track

    Codec ID V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
    Resolution 1280 x 532
    Frame aspect ratio 320:133 = 2.406
    Pixel aspect ratio 1:1 = 1
    Display aspect ratio 320:133 = 2.406
    Framerate 25 fps
    Content encoding
    order 0
    scope all frames
    type compression
    compression algorithm header stripping
    stripped header 1 bytes

    Audio track nr. 1

    Codec ID A_AC3
    Sampling frequency 44100 Hz
    Channels 6
    Content encoding
    order 0
    scope all frames
    type compression
    compression algorithm header stripping
    stripped header 2 bytes
    Bitstream type (bs) AC3
    Bitrate (bs) 0 kbps CBR
    Sampling frequency (bs) 0 Hz
    Mode (bs) channel

    Audio track nr. 2

    Codec ID A_AC3
    Sampling frequency 48000 Hz
    Channels 6
    Content encoding
    order 0
    scope all frames
    type compression
    compression algorithm header stripping
    stripped header 2 bytes
    Bitstream type (bs) AC3
    Bitrate (bs) 448 kbps CBR
    Sampling frequency (bs) 48000 Hz
    Mode (bs) 3 front, 2 rear, 1 LFE

    Video bitstream

    Bitstream type MPEG-4 Part 10
    User data x264 | core 115 r1937 aa21558 | H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec
    User data Copyleft 2003-2011 | http://www.videolan.org/x264.html | cabac=1
    User data ref=12 | deblock=1:-3:-3 | analyse=0x3:0x113 | me=umh | subme=10
    User data psy=1 | psy_rd=1.10:0.10 | mixed_ref=1 | me_range=48 | chroma_me=1
    User data trellis=2 | 8x8dct=1 | cqm=2 | deadzone=21,11 | fast_pskip=0
    User data chroma_qp_offset=-2 | threads=12 | sliced_threads=0 | nr=0
    User data decimate=1 | interlaced=0 | bluray_compat=0 | constrained_intra=0
    User data bframes=6 | b_pyramid=2 | b_adapt=2 | b_bias=0 | direct=3
    User data weightb=1 | open_gop=0 | weightp=2 | keyint=250 | keyint_min=23
    User data scenecut=40 | intra_refresh=0 | rc_lookahead=60 | rc=2pass
    User data mbtree=1 | bitrate=5319 | ratetol=1.0 | qcomp=0.70 | qpmin=1
    User data qpmax=63 | qpstep=4 | cplxblur=20.0 | qblur=0.5 | vbv_maxrate=40000
    User data vbv_bufsize=30000 | nal_hrd=none | ip_ratio=1.40 | aq=2:0.70
    SPS id 0
    Profile High@L4.1
    Num ref frames 12
    Chroma format YUV 4:2:0
    PPS id 0 (SPS: 0)
    Entropy coding type CABAC
    Weighted prediction P slices - explicit weighted prediction
    Weighted bipred idc B slices - implicit weighted prediction
    8x8dct Yes
    Custom intra4X4 luma
    6 7 10 16
    7 7 11 17
    10 11 12 20
    12 13 20 16

    Profile compliancy

    Selected profile MTK PAL 6000
    Resolution 1280 x 532 > 720 x 576
    Framerate Ok

    This report was created by AVInaptic (25-07-2011) on 23-09-2011 19:52:44
  18. DJ_Jedi

    DJ_Jedi Infrangitore di Sogni - Anti Spam Task Force

    23 Gennaio 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ciao, per ridurre i ref frames con MKV Extract GUI estrai la traccia H.264 dall'MKV, poi aprila con H264.info (che trovi in rete) e da lì modifichi i ref frames senza ricodificare, poi con MKV Merge sostituisci la traccia video con quella corretta. I ref frames però non fanno crashare TsMuxer, ma generano solo artefatti in riproduzione, sono cmq troppo alti quindi devi abbassarli cmq.
  19. slksurf

    slksurf Tribe Newbie

    30 Novembre 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Grazie. Provo subito, ma ho appena tentato di creare un altro AVCHD (Source Code) da un mkv con ref. frames piu' alto del dovuto e di nuovo TsMuxer, sempre tramite MultiAVCHD ha crashato.
  20. slksurf

    slksurf Tribe Newbie

    30 Novembre 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Purtroppo anche H264.info, con entrambi i film, crasha.

    Ho ricodificato tutto con uncropmkv ed e' perfetto (questo, poi, non crasha, mah...).

    Ma un sistema per diminuire i Ref frames senza reencodare non l'ho ancora trovato.